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2017-02-08 13:09






  一。Dr Norman Bethune

  1.Natlonality(国籍): Canada

  2.Hobby: taking photos

  3.Main stories: saved a lot of Chinese people; opened hospitals; invented medical tools

  二。Liu Xiang

  1.Nationality: China

  2.Hobby: singing

  3.Main stories: won the first

  4.Olympic gold medal in the men‘ s 110m hurdles event in Athens; set a world record in the same event in Lausanne

  从上面信息卡中选择一位英雄,以The Hero in My Heart为题写一篇短文。


  The Hero in My Heart

  As we know, most people have heroes in their hearts。 For me,


  The Hero in My Heart

  As we know, most people have heroes in their hearts。 For me, Dr Norman Bethune is the hero in my heart。 He was a great doctor from Canada。

  Dr Bethune was good at performing operations。 And taking photos was his hobby。 In 1938, he came to China。 He opened hospitals and invented medical tools。 He worked so hard that he saved thousands of Chinese people。 He didn’t stop to take care of his own injured hand and died。

  I am deeply moved by his stories。 So I’ll work hard today and do my best to help others。


  The Hero in My Heart

  As we know, most people have heroes in their hearts。 For me, Liu Xiang is the hero in my heart。 He is a famous Chinese sportsman。

  Liu Xiang is good at running。 In 2004, he won his first Olympic gold medal in the men,s 110m hurdles event in Athens。 Then, he set a world record in the same event in Lausanne。 Besides training and taking part in competitions, Liu Xiang also likes singing and he sings well。

  With his hard work, he is winning competitions one after another。 This encourages me to study harder from now on。

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