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2018-06-05 09:56



  - That’s where I was hoping you could be of assistance.那就是我所希望你能帮助的地方。

  - And it’ll keep you off the yard. keep off=远离

  - I’ll take my chances. 我会试一下的,take one’s chance=碰运气。

  - There’s a better way. 有更好的办法。

  - That won’t stop it. It’ll only delay it.不会停止只会延迟。

  - If the inmate appeals to me for intervention,how can I turn my back on him? appeals to =呼吁,要求,上诉;turn one’s back on=背弃,抛弃。

  - He was really sweet. 他人很好。

  - Men and women can’t be friends.男人和女人不可能成为朋友。 这句可以跟女朋友说。

  - Can you get it for me, or not?

  - Can’t be done... 不行。

  - I’ll pass. 通不过?这个不知道怎么解释,但是是拒绝的意思。

  - Well, for everyone’s sake. 为了每个人着想。

  - Are you sure? Positive. 你确信?当然。Positive这个词也是经常用的。

  - Uh, what’s up. 啊,怎么了?这个美语里很常见,通常黑人都说 wassup,man.超级顺口。

  - It was the only way I could go through with it. go through with=完成,把...进行到底。

  - You’ve told me a thousand... 你已经告诉我N遍了... ...

  I was set up! 我是被陷害的!

  - a couple of days ago. 几天以前。

  - She was under the impression that the guy was innocent. 她认为那个人是无罪的。be under the impression that=认为,觉得。

  - I’m looking for Crab Simmons. Are you related? 我在找Crab Simmons,你和他有关系吗?

  - a man’s life is at stake, and maybe your son can help him. 有个人现在生命垂危,或许你儿子能帮他。 at stake=危险

  - Crab can’t help nobody, lady. Crab不能帮助任何人。

  - Just want you to know I’m coming for you.只想让你知道我是为你而来的。come for=为某种目的而来;向...冲来。

  - but average glucose for the non-diabetic is about 100 milligrams per deciliter 但是非糖尿病患者的平均葡萄糖值只有大概每1/10公升100毫克。glucose=葡萄糖,non-diabetic=非糖尿病的。

  - You seem nervous seem=象是,似乎。

  - I do? 是吗?

  - You’re sweating.你在出汗。

  - Never really got used to them. got used to=习惯于

  You got to stop listening to these people,they’re poisoning your brain.Your hormone things-they’re out of whack. 你要停止去听那些人的话,他们在毒害你的思想,你的荷尔蒙失衡了,它们影响了你。

  "As soon as possible" is not a specific time. "尽快"不是一个确切的时间。

  t’s for your own good. 这是为你好。

  Don’t hang up. 不要挂断。

  Say hi to him for me,will you. 替我向他问好,好吧?

  I love you more. 我也爱你。这下知道人家对你说这句话的时候怎么应答了吧?

  Alternating current,direct current. 交流电,直流电。

  My brother is scheduled to die. 我哥哥将被处死。

  There are strict department of corrections guidelines that govern every aspect of an execution. 司法部有严格的守则包括行刑的每个细节。 偶经常把他改为There are strict rules and regulations in every company that govern every aspect of an execution. 在这里主要是用在客人要偶寄样,但是偶要收费,对方不同意,于是偶就来这句话了。

  I ain’t mad at you. 我不怪你。 “不怪你”原来是酱紫说滴啊。

  I am the last person in the world that my father listens to. 我是我父亲最不想听的人。

  Can i ask a favor? 能求你件事吗? 我们是不是一般说 Could you do sth for me?


  If we don’t get him on board, there’s not going to be any digging in that cell and if there’s no digging in that cell…then there’s no escape. get on board上船,上车,这里引申为搞到一伙。


  Sucre: Mrs. Delgado, how you doin? It’s Fernando. Delgado 女士,你近来好吧?

  Sorry to bother you at home, but you know what is up with Maricruzs cell phone? It keeps going straight to voice mail. 抱歉打扰你,但你知道Maricruzs的手机怎么了吗?打过去一直是语音信箱。

  Mrs. Delgado: So maybe she has it turned off. 也许她关机了。

  Sucre: Any chance you know where she is? 你能知道她在哪吗?

  Mrs. Delgado: I know exactly where she is. 我确切知道她在哪。

  Sucre: And that would be? 那会是哪里?

  Mrs. Delgado: With Hector. 和Hector在一起。

  He is not Around. 他现在不在。 接老外电话的时候可以用噢,不要再说He is not in office at the present time.了,这句话可是很地道的。

  Everything’s not how it looks,Michael. 事情不是看上去那样的。


  I may be social,but that’s a boundaryline even I won’t cross. 这句话出现在大伙看到狱中一不男不女的家伙,然后。。。。。。

  social=爱社交的,爱交际的 boundaryline= 边界,这里引申为底线。


  I put my blood into this,and it’s coming apart. 我注入了所有的心血,结果却功亏一篑。come apart=崩溃,破裂;put into=在...上种植,使进入。

  Belllick的经典句子: Don't play stupid with me. I'm giving you a chance to save your precious conjugals. You lie to me, they're gone and their never comin back. 别把我当傻瓜耍。 precious=宝贵的,珍爱的,贵重的;conjugal=结婚的,夫妇间的,这里引申为Sucre的夫妻探房机会。gone=离去的,死去的。

  Couldn't put my finger on it until he went outside. put the finger on=告发

  Alright, just give me a moment to type this up. type up=打成定稿

  If you file a report, things could get a lot worse for me. file=提出(申请等)



  When I was young, I couldn't sleep at night. 我小的时候,晚上总无法入睡。

  because I thought there was a monster in the closet. 因为我想壁橱里藏着怪物。

  But my brother told me there wasn't anything in the closet but fear. 但我哥哥告诉我除了恐惧没有任何东西。And fear wasn't real. He said it wasn't made of anything just…air. 恐惧不是真实的。他说那只是空气而已。Not even that. He said you just have to face it. 他说你必须去面对他才行。

  You just have to open that closet and the monster would disappear. 你只是需要打开橱柜,然后你会发现怪物消失了。

  Brother sounds like a smart man. 看来你哥哥是聪明的人。 这个sound like经常出现,例如This sound like a question about a person's health.听上去像在问别人的健康。

  Michael: Thanks, but I think I'd like to face the monsters on my own. on one's own=独自地,独立地

  Sounds great. I really appreciate you coming by. 听上去很不错。很感谢你的拜访。 come by=经过

  Do you have a card Agent Kellerman? card=名片 真是流畅啊~~

  Don't hesitate to call. 给我打电话千万别犹豫。 这句太经典了,我给老外打电话最后就说这句,哈哈。

  Abruzzi: We could cut off all his limbs, he still wouldn't talk. Pain's not the answer here. cut off=切断,断绝;limb=肢,翼,分支

  What does it look like I'm doing? I'm rolling it up. 我看上去像在干吗?我在收拾东西走人。 roll up=卷起,到达,出现

  I'm trying to make amends here. Bygones be bygones.You're a mercurial man John. 过去的事情就过去了。约翰你是个善变的男人。 bygone=过去的事,过去的;mercurial=活泼善变的,水星的

  I'll tell you soon enough. 我很快就会告诉你。soon enough=很快的 这句也很实用,偶稀饭啊。

  Abruzzi: If not, you're a corpse. So you better cut the crap and tell me the exact date and time so I can start making the arrangements. 如果不是这样,你就成尸体了。所以你最好停止说废话,告诉我具体准确的时间,然后我就能安排了。 cut the crap= 停止废话

  How have you been? 类似how are you

  Veronica: Maybe we could postpone it. Look I can’t do this right now. My head’s not in it, it’s supposed to be a celebration. postpone=推迟,延迟

  Sebastian: If you’re really telling me you want to postpone this thing then I wanna cancel it. wanna=want to 想要,希望,超级常用滴美式口语缩写

  Veronica:Sebastian I’m sorry.

  Sebastian: I’ll come get my stuff tomorrow. stuff这里指Sebastian自己的东西

  Bellick: You gotta problem with that? Cause if you do, feel free to drop it in my suggestion box. feel free=随便,尽管 做外贸的xdjm一定对这个词组很熟悉吧?

  I thought you said the margin for error was zero days. margin for error=出错的可能性

  Yup. 是的(美语里的肯定答复)。

  Officer Bellick is in charge of transfers. be in charge of=管理

  unless there’s evidence of violence or sexual predation between cellmates those kind of requests fall on deaf ears around here. violence=暴力;sexual predation=性侵犯;fall on deaf ears=置若罔闻

  You know, just going over some files. go over=仔细检查

  You’re early. Let’s go eat. 你来得真早,我们去吃饭吧。

  Last time you came here, you called me a liar. call 在这里是“称呼”的意思

  She’s missing. I think that the Secret Service got to her. miss=失踪;get to=接触到,对...有影响;Secret Service=特务机关,联邦情报局

  Do you know what we’re up against? up against=面临

  Abruzzi: Hey fish.You making any progress? 有进展吗?

  Because he’s been trying to get into your pants since the minute we started dating that’s why. pants=裤子,短裤;date=约会。 这句话可以形容好多滴男人噢,呵呵

  you know I can’t get pregnant until I’m married. 你知道直到结婚我都不能怀孕。

  We’re gonna get married in sixteen months. 注意这个用法。





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