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2018-05-31 10:17






  TOEFL 001

  People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.






  1.  你已经或者曾经是大学生么?简单描述一件在大学生活中给你印象最深刻的事情,并说说它给你带来了什么影响。


  ● Yeah, one of the most important things in my campus life is occurred in the second year after attending college. When I was selected to be a sub-leader of college student' union, I had to plan activities and work though the next year by myself, and no one will tell you what to do or not. By that time, I first realize how difficult it is to plan a complete activity and well organize the students under your hand. During that year, I pay a lot to this position, but I feel extremely happy about the work that makes me learn so many social skills and gain more friendship and experience.

  ● I am a university student now. When I was a freshman, there was a position in our university, a volunteer of the university's history museum, who played the role of introducing our university's history to the guests from outside including the other schools' teachers and officers. I was really interested in this work, so I applied for it. For the aim to be a professional guide, I devoted my spare time to learn the history by heart. Eventually, I performed so perfectly that all the guests gave me high praises. From this experience, I recognized that "no pain no gain".

  ● I'm a university graduate and I graduated in June this year. What impresses me most in my college life is the period that my friends and I live off the campus for the better preparation for our graduate admission examination. We cooked and have meals together and chatted during the meal. And we worked hard to prepare for our final examination. In this period characterized by joyfulness, happiness enriches and hard-working, I experienced the warmth of friendship and learned to overcome problems and inconveniences.

  2.   综合你的大学生活,你认为你在大学得到了什么?(知识,经验,爱情……)


  ● To be frank, little knowledge did I memorize after graduation. Much of the knowledge acquired in class has already slipped my mind. Anyway, my college life left me cherishes friendship, love and much enjoyable time in memory. The most precious present my university life gives me is my boyfriend. From my point of view, boyfriend is not only the one who shares my happiness and burdens my sorrow, but also the one who take care of me and accompanies me till our life, which means a forever partner.

  ● I think college is a general school that I can learn not only knowledge, but also every aspect of skills. For example, "how to treat people" is a difficult skill differing from person to person, such as friend, lover, and parent, enemy and so on. Another aspect is "how to choose" which is so important for the future life. The most near things we often think about is what we do after graduation among going abroad, going graduate school and working directly which leads variety lives.

  ● 大学教给了我很多东西:1. 做任何事情都要有始有终,即我们需要坚持,这就要求培养我们坚忍不拔的性格。2. 经验:经验来自于实践,比如说为人处事的经验,在这方面,我们要对我们所交往的人要以诚相待。3. 学习的习惯:在未上大学以前,我们所学的知识只是单纯的记忆,并没有任何的理解和应用,而在上大学以后,我发现,每当我学习一个新的内容,我都会找到它的原理,分析它以前是怎么应用的,进而彻底的学会怎么应用它。4. 知识:在大学里,我们可以学习到更高等的知识,而这样的知识是在工作或其他的地方无法学习到的,这些知识可以为我们以后的发展提供一个坚实的基础。5. 爱情:在上大学以前,我们不懂什么是爱情,只是觉得一个好的外表可以吸引异性,但是当我们在大学里,我相信很多人都会有一次美好的爱情,喜欢一个人不能仅仅看其外表,更应该看他具有的品格,比如说是否具有爱心,是否有个坚忍不拔的毅力,是否可以与同学和睦相处,有没有独立,负责任的品质。





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