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2018-04-19 10:13










D. To highlight a similarity between vintage and modern violins. The wood was coated with a local varnish before it was crafted into violins.   16. The professor describes an experiment in which wood was exposed to a fungus before  being made into a violin. What point does the professor make about the fungus. She believes it was written for readers with scientific backgrounds. C? A. It was probably invented by the Aztecs.  B. It is a relatively modern development in agriculture. C. B. Charges in the designs of chinampas over time. To ask about the suitability of a topic he wants to write about. D.   5. What additional information does the professor suggest that the student include in his paper?  A. A comparison of traditional and modern farming technologies.  B. B. To encourage the student to do more research.  C. To point out how much labor was required to build chinampas. It requires soil that is rich in nutrients. Why has the student come to see the professor?  A. To find out her reaction to a paper he recently submitted. She has no opinion about it, because she has not read it. D. It decomposes only certain species of trees.   17. C. To explain why tropical wood cannot be used to make violins. Reasons why chinampas are often overlooked in history books.    Lecture 3  6. What does the professor mainly discuss?  A. Comparisons between land animals and ocean-going animals of the Mesozoic era. B. Comparisons between sauropods and modern animals. C. Possible reasons why sauropods became extinct. D. New theories about the climate of the Mesozoic.   7.  What point does the professor make when she compares blues whales to large land animals?  A. Like large land animals, blue whales have many offspring.  B. Like large land animals, blue whales have proportionally small stomachs.  C. The land environment provides a wider variety of food sources than the ocean. D. The ocean environment reduces some of the problems faced by large animals.    8. According to the professor, what recent finding about the Mesozoic era challenges an  earlier belief?  A. Sauropod populations in the Mesozoic era were smaller than previously believed. B. Oxygen levels in the Mesozoic era were higher than previously believed. C. Ocean levels in the Mesozoic era fluctuated more than previously believed. D. Plant life in the Mesozoic era was less abundant than previously believed.   9. Compared to small animals, what disadvantages do large animals typically have? Click  on 2 answers.  A. Large animals require more food.  B. Large animals have fewer offspring.  C. Large animals use relatively more energy in digesting their food. D. Large animals have greater difficulty staying warm.   10. Why does the professor discuss gastroliths that have been found with sauropod fossils? A. To show that much research about extinct animals has relied on flawed methods. B. To show that even an incorrect guess can lead to useful research.  C. To give an example of how fossils discoveries have cast doubt on beliefs about modern  animals.  D. To give an example of a discovery made possible by recent advance in technology.    11. What did researchers conclude from their study of sauropods and gastroliths?  A. That gastroliths probably helped sauropods to store large quantities of plant material in their  stomachs.  B. That sauropods probably used gastroliths to conserve energy.  C. Thatsauropods may not have used gastroliths to aid their digestion. D. Thatsauropods probably did not ingest any stones.   Lecture 4  12. What is the lecture mainly about?  A. Various ways color theory is used in different fields. B. Various ways artists can use primary colors.  C. Aspects of color theory that are subject of current research. D. The development of the first thery of primaru colors.   13. What does the professor imply about the usefulness of the theory of primary colors? A. It is not very useful to artists.  B. It has been very useful to scientists.  C. It is more useful to artists than to psychologist.  D. It is more useful to modern-day artists than to artists in the past.   14. Why does the professor mention Isaac Newton?  A. To show the similarities between early ideas in art and early ideas in science.  B. To explain why mixing primary colors does not produce satisfactory secondary colors. C. To provide background information for the theory of primary colors. D. To point out the first person to propose a theory of primary colors.   15. According to the professor, what were the results of Goethe’s experiments with color?  Click on 2 answers.  A. The experiments failed to a connection between colors and emotions. B. The experiments showed useful connections between color and light.  C. The experiments provided valuable information about the relationships between colors. D. The experiments were not useful until modern psychologists reinterpreted them.    16. According to the professor, why did Runge choose the colors red, yellow, and blues as the  three primary colors?  A. He felt they represented natural light at different times of the day. B. He noticed that they were the favorite colors of Romantic painters.  C. He performed several scientific experiments that suggested those colors. D. He read a book by Goethe and agreed with Goethe’s choices of colors.   17. What does the professor imply when he says this:  A. Many people have proposed theories about primary colors. B. Goethe discovered the primary colors by accident.  C. Goethe probably developed the primary color theory before reading Runge’s letter. D. Goethe may have been influenced by Runge’s ideas about primary colors.    Answers: Section 1: 1B 2D 3C 4A 5C 6B 7C 8D 9AD 10B 11A 12C 13B 14D 15B 16A 17B   Section 2: 1C 2B 3D 4A 5C 6B 7D 8D  9AB 10B 11C 12D 13A 14C 15AC 16A  17D.  B. Why does the professor say this:  A. To find out how much exposure students have had to live classical music? A. She is convinced that it is not completely accurate. To clarify how modern violin makes select wood? A. It decomposes only certain parts of the wood. B. To explain why crops grown on chinampas should not be considered hydroponic.  4. What does the professor think about the article the students mentions.  D.   15. To point out a factual error in an article the class was assigned to read. C. To emphasize that the topic selected for a paper needs to be more specific?  A. It was recently discovered in a vintage Cremonese violin.  B. She thinks it is probably too short to be useful to the student. D. The trees that produced the wood grew in an unusually cool climate. To ask about the difference between chinampas and hydroponics.  2. What does the professor imply about hydroponics.  B. To make a point about the beauty of violin music.    Section 2 Conversation 2  1. What factor accounts for the particular density differential of the wood used in the  Cremonese violins?  A. The trees that produced the wood were harvested in spring. B. To use student experiences to support his point about audience members.  C. To indicated that instruments are harder to master than audience members realize. D. D. To explain what causes variations in density in a piece of wood.  C. It was found only in the forests of northern Italy. C. The wood was allowed to partially decay before being made into violins. D. Why does the professor discuss the growth cycle of tree? A14. It is most successful when extremely pure water is used.    3. Why does the professor describe how chinampas were made.  C. Differences in how various historians have describedchinampas. D





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