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2015-01-23 16:25



申请 网申流程 美国读硕士 美国读本科 留学选专业 留学选学校
院校 TOP100名校 院系设置 留学费用 奖学金 美国校园
材料 语言成绩 个人陈述 推荐信 英文面试 财力证明



  1. Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose USA?

  (Have you applied for Chinese University? Why?)

   1) As you see, American education is famous in the world, especially the course of economy management. United States is the mother country of business. So USA Universities’ courses are of course in line with the modern financial trends and practices. 2) Moreover, the RMB appreciate day by day so studying in USA is cheaper than ever before. 3) It’s said that the USA authority welcome the Chinese students. That releases the local economic crisis.

  Why do you choose US but not Europe?

   Although banks were founded in Europe first, the US economic development is more mature and dynamic. Also, the United States is China's largest trading nation and US have completely economic system. I believe I have made a very wise choice.

  (I have considered but finally choose the USA with an in-depth consideration.)


2. To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they?

  Any other school admits you?

   I applied two universities, *** University and University of North Alabama. Both of them admitted me. But I found the *** University MBA***** program aligns most closely with my academic background and career goals. I carry University of *** admission letter. Here it is.


3. Why do you choose *** University?

  1)Well, at the first, *** University is a public institution that was founded in 1887 with long his***.

   2)Secondly, my special option IED is rare but excellent in *** and ***’s MBA program is accredited by (ACBSP) (the Association of collegiate business schools and programs).

   3)Also, *** offers me conditional admission, so it is advisable for me to choose *** to improve myself and English proficiency.

   4)Moreover, Sorrell College of Business focuses on training students with practical skills and business problems solving ability.


4. Do you know where this school is? Do you know where you will study in the US?

  It is located in 601 University Avenue, ***, Alabama.


5. What is your major? What is it all about? What is it for?

  In what aspect of your major will you study?

  Can you briefly explain what you will learn?

  Can you talk something about the course?

  Why do you like your major?

  My major in USA will be MBA with International economic development.

  The courses include accounting, finance and market and practical skills.

   I can seek very in-depth study of Trade and Economics and an understanding of the market’s role between developing countries and developed countries. I’ve been working in imp/exp department of ****** Company for 2 years. This program teaches me knowledge from management view with the expertise in analyzing specific financial markets and in investment strategies and layout of investors. These courses will lead solid foundation for my career path. So this option fits me. That’s why I like this major.


● 美国大学排名汇总专业+综合
● 北美名校TOP100招生简章
● 如何申请奖学金
● 留学申请文书怎么写
● 拿到offer后应做什么准备
● 美国留学学杂费官方发布
● 美国大学申请要求官方发布
● 美国大学专业学制官方发布
● 美国大学校园生活
● 美国名校历史介绍





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