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《生活大爆炸》爆笑访谈:“怪咖”和“极客”的秘密 (视频+文本)



2019-06-19 10:04



    星座: 射手座

    出生日期: 1975-12-12

    出生地: 美国,加利福尼亚,圣地亚哥

    职业: 演员 / 制片

    更多外文名: Mayim Hoya Bialik (本名)


    马伊姆·比亚利克出演热门喜剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)中的天才女艾米·菲拉·福勒(Amy Farrah Fowler),从此一夜成名。

    马伊姆·比亚利克(Mayim Bialik),如今算是在娱乐圈闯下了一番天地,但是很多观众不知道其实生活中的她还有另一职业,而且其专业领域还恰好跟她在《生活大爆炸》中饰演的角色一样:神经科学。她真的是一位博士哦!







  folks, get ready, because you know my first

  guest from "beaches," "blossom," and of course "the big bang theory."

  please welcome mayim bialik.

  >> stephen: please, after you. nice to have you on the show.

  >> nice to be here.

  >> stephen: not only are you on this show on cbs tonight, but tonight the season finale of season 10 of big bang theory is tonight and i understand this is taped before that broadcast.

  >> correct.

  >> stephen: it's whatever, 3:45 or --

  >> everyone dies -- whoops!just kidding.

  >> stephen: hard to make that funny.

  new "big bang" the universe starts all over again?

  is it something having to do with your haracter?

  >> yes.

  >> stephen: you have a one in seven chance of being right with that guess.

  >> stephen: you're here, might as well take a stab with it.

  >> something big happens with my character and sheldon.

  >> stephen: something big has already happened between the two of you.

  >> we had coitus.

  >> stephen: what a lovely way to put it.

  >> are you blushing?

  >> stephen: under all this makeup. we had jim parsons on last week and he said he's not actually understanding any of the things

  he says on that show, nor does he want to understand.

  >> correct.

  >> stephen: you actually have a ph.d. in neuroscience.

  >> correct.

  >> stephen: was that just, like, intense? was that intense method acting? how did this come about?

  >> no. actually, i took time off. i was on "blossom" when i was younger. i took off 12 years to get my undergraduate and graduate degree at u.c.l.a., had two children, did a lot of things in those years.

  i returned to acting, honestly because we were running out of health insurance.

  >> stephen: pretty soon, everybody's going to return to acting.who would have thought acting was the "safe choice"?

  >> i had been teaching neuroscience --

  >> stephen: where were you teaching neuroscience?

  >> i taught junior high and high school in our home school in los angeles and also taught

  biology and chemistry.

  >> stephen: do you ever explain to the other cast

  members what they're saying means?

  >> so here's the thing about actors -- they don't like when other actors say, let me give you a little pointer on that one

  >> stephen: not even pronunciation?

  >> they don't like that at all, no.

  >> stephen: i love anyone's enthusiasm for knowledge. science isn't always valued as much as it should be.

  >> true.

  >> stephen: the people on the characters y'all portray on the show are referred to as in other


  how do you feel about that term "nerd"? actually, my first email address ever was "nerd" at ucla.edu.

  >> stephen: that was available?

  >> that's right, in 1995, it wasn't cool yet and no one wanted it, but i did.

  >> stephen: what makes someone a nerd, in your opinion? because there are a lot of controversy over the definition of nerd sometimes, like there's

  a rise of nerd culture and people want to be in other words but they don't know what qualifies you to be nerd.

  i thought nerd just means you're enthusiastic about something.

  >> i'm enthusiastic about this mug. i'm a mug nerd.

  >> stephen: an ancient design. it's how things work on an academic on intellectual level?

  yeah, generally fall under nerd. in other words don't tend to have an elaborate social life but they can. we do.

  >> stephen: yeah. information is your --

  >> you're now my best friend. so i had no other plans tonight. this is it.

  >> stephen: could i qualify as a nerd?

  >> tell me some of the things you like. besides mugs.

  >> stephen: i really like astronomy.

  >> okay.

  >> stephen: i really love the lord of the rings and tolkin.

  >> that would qualify you as a geek in my book. we could literally talk about this all night.

  >> stephen: let's cancel all the other guests. let's geek out. so nerd versus geek.

  >> i'd say geek tends to be someone who's interested in those kinds of things, fantasy, you know, "star wars" culture, star trek. those people aren't necessarily academically or intellectually inclined but are inclined towards having friends who also like those kind of geeky things and that's their social circle. in other words are by themselves.

  geeks are by themselves with other people who are also by themselves.

  >> stephen: so let me see if i get this right. a geek, if i'm interpreting correctly, is, oh, yeah, i know that dude, i met him at comic con. the nerd is i didn't know he was so quiet.

  >> stephen: why are you perpetuating stereotype?

  that's my job on "the big bang theory."

  >> stephen: you have a new book called "girling up" how to be strong, smart and spectacular.

  >> right.

  >> stephen: how does one girl up?

  >> by becoming a woman from a girl. i used my scientific background and my interest in the process of becoming a woman.

  for me, i was a very unusual child -- i'm sure that's

  shocking to you -- i'm pretty much an unusual adult, and i wrote this book to speak about the full female experience both for girls who don't fit in and those who do to teach about the full experience with a background in science in terms of the hormones and the biological processes of being a female?

  addition to dealing with difficult things in the 21s 21st century female girls have to deal with.

  >> stephen: i'm a 52-year-old man. is there any way a man can girl up? anything positive to learn from this?

  >> you just asked me two different questions. there is something positive you can learn from this --

  >> stephen: but i can't girl up?

  >> how gender fluid are you feeling tonight?

  >> stephen: the night is young."girling up" out now!




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