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2018-08-24 15:25





2016年11 月26日下午托福考试写作

托福综合写作Topic 议题:whether the forts in Adens served as defensive construction


Sub-point 1 分论点1First, there are not many walls that can be used to block out the enemy, making them vulnerable to attack.In the places that don’t have walls there are natural walls – the cliffs or steep mountains, which can effectively defend the enemy.

Sub-point2分论点2Second, those forts have many ground level entranceways, which is adverse for defense.Adens are located in the open area and those entranceways can provide people with great visibility, and thus people in the forts can easily spot potential attackers and then block the gate and get prepared. Besides, those entrances are not so wide, so they can easily be closed.

Sub-point 3分论点3Third, in the forts there are no food and water storage system, which are unsuitable for people to live.There is no need for such system, because it is dry in Adens, which makes it impossible for the enemy to have enough food and water too if they decide to surround the forts for a long time. So if the forts can withstand the initial attack, the enemy will withdraw themselves.

托福综合写作范文Sample answer:

The writer and the speaker have a debate on whether the forts in Adens served as defensive construction. The writer provides three reason to refute this, which are opposed by the following lecture.

First, the writer claims that there are not many walls that can be used to block out the enemy, making them vulnerable to attack. While the speaker views this issue from an opposite angle, according to him/her, in the places that don’t have walls there are natural walls – the cliffs or steep mountains, which can effectively defend the enemy.

Second, the passage states that those forts have many ground level entranceways, which is adverse for defense. However, the speaker casts doubt on this opinion by saying that Adens are located in the open area and those entranceways can provide people with great visibility, and thus people in the forts can easily spot potential attackers and then block the gate and get prepared. Besides, those entrances are not so wide, so they can easily be closed.

Last, the writer argues that in the forts there are no food and water storage system, which are unsuitable for people to live. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, this claim does not hold water. There is no need for such system, because it is dry in Adens, which makes it impossible for the enemy to have enough food and water too if they decide to surround the forts for a long time. So if the forts can withstand the initial attack, the enemy will withdraw themselves.







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