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2018-07-02 09:41



4. 何谓“溜溜球效应”(yo-yo effect) 呢?简单的说,就是指体重像溜溜球一样忽高忽低。因为体重的减轻是由流失水分开始,然後是肌肉,最後才是脂肪。因此当你在节/绝食这段过程中,身体会先消耗肌肉,而在你再度进食後,身体会将食物转化成脂肪来囤积,而这样循环下去造成的效果,想减的脂肪没减掉,反而越堆越多,而减掉的只是水分跟肌肉,自然就越减越肥了!这样的减肥方法不但没用,而且伤身(长期饮食不均衡,回复饮食候更容易造成脂肪的堆积),简直是「赔了夫人又折兵」!


  【 Introduction】


  【 Fast Reading 】

  Genes Key to Future Cancer Cures

  (BARCELONA, Spain) — The treatment that more cancer patients receive may one day depend on their genes.

  With an increasing number of biological clues available, doctors hope they will be able to customize more patients’ treatments based on their genetic profiles .

  In research presented at a meeting of the European Cancer Organization in Barcelona, experts said this week that these clues will help doctors determine not only which patients will probably develop cancer, but even those who will relapse , or be suitable for specific treatments.

  "We are going to witness a revolution in cancer treatment," said Dr. Martine Piccart, head of medicine at the Institut Jules Bordet in Belgium. "In a few years, we will be able to fully demonstrate how powerful these new technologies are."

  The real test, however, will be if doctors can then figure out what to do next.

  "It’s never encouraging to say to a patient that she’s going to do poorly because of her genes," Piccart said. "We need to be able to offer patients an effective treatment."

  Piccart and colleagues have been working to confirm the genetic sequences for women susceptible to breast cancer.

  Tailoring treatment based on patients’ genes is being used now on a limited basis. Doctors have been deciding how to treat women with breast cancer depending on their tumor type for the last few years. A simple genetic test can identify breast cancer patients who will actually benefit from chemotherapy, making the toxic side effects worthwhile.

  But learning more about breast cancer has also given experts new tools to fight other cancers.

  A study presented at the Barcelona meeting Tuesday found an unexpected twist : patients with a certain overactive breast cancer gene were also less likely to respond to chemotherapy for lung cancer.

  "We know quite a bit about breast cancer genes, and now we’re looking into the black box of what role they might play in other cancers," said Dr. Gordon McVie, a cancer expert at the European Institute of Oncology.

  The problem, McVie said, is that even though researchers may understand a little about what a thousand of the genes involved in cancer do, there are about 31,000 others that they don’t.

  Other studies presented in Barcelona on Tuesday identified genes that could triple awoman’s risk of ovarian cancer, as well as molecular profiling to predict which colon cancer patients would benefit from chemotherapy.

  Cancer is an incredibly complicated disease, and is influenced by other variables like diet and environmental exposure. Even if researchers can identify the genetic components responsible, many factors remain beyond doctors’ control.

  "We haven’t had any big genetic hits ," McVie said, explaining that while scientists have identified genes that predispose people to cancers including breast, bowel , ovarian and colon, those make up only a small amount of all cancers.

  "Cracking the genetic code is still a very imprecise science," he said.

  Also, on Monday, German researchers said they had developed a test to identify cancer cells circulating in the blood of breast cancer patients. That could potentially enable doctors to catch cancer cells en route to another location — and give them time to intervene to prevent a tumor.

  Dr. Julia Juckstock and colleagues at the University of Munich analyzed blood samples from 1,767 women with breast cancer before treatment and compared them to samples taken after about half of them had completed chemotherapy. Preliminary results found evidence of tumor cells in transport in less than 10 percent of the treated patients.

  "This is a fascinating development," said Dr. John Smyth, a professor of medical oncology at the University of Edinburgh, who was unconnected to the Munich study.

  Instead of a blanket approach to treatment, Smyth said that the test could help doctors pinpoint those women in whom breast cancer was likely to spread and needed extra care.

  【 Vocabulary 】

  relapse ~ (into sth) to go back into a previous condition or into a worse state after making an improvement: They relapsed into silence.

  susceptible ~ (to sb/sth) very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by sb/sth

  twist an unexpected change or development in a story or situation

  triple to become, or to make sth, three times as much or as many

  ovarian [ 植 ] 子房的 , [ 解 ] 卵巢的

  colon (anatomy) the lower part of the large INTESTINE (= part of the bowels) 结肠

  bowel one of a system of tubes below the stomach in which solid waste collects before it is passed out of the body 肠

  variable noun a situation, number or quantity that can vary or be varied

  hit noun If someone who is searching for information on the Internet gets a hit, they find a website where there is that information.

  imprecise not accurate; not giving exact details or making sth clear

  Preliminary ~ (to sth) happening before a more important action or event

  blanket You use blanket to describe something when you want to emphasize that it affects or refers to every person or thing in a group, without any exceptions.

  【 Homework 】

  1. Please translate the sentence into Chinese.

  A study presented at the Barcelona meeting Tuesday found an unexpected twist : patients with a certain overactive breast cancer gene were also less likely to respond to chemotherapy for lung cancer.

  2. ”With an increasing number of biological clues available, doctors hope they will be able to customize more patients’ treatments based on their genetic profiles .”

  What the best meaning of the profiles here?

  A. the outline of a person’s face when you look from the side, not the front

  B. a description of sb/sth that gives useful information

  C. the general impression that sb/sth gives to the public and the amount of attention they receive

  D. the edge or outline of sth that you see against a background

  3. How many kinds of cancers are mentioned in this article?

  4. Which statement is ture?

  A. "We are going to witness a revolution in cancer treatment," said Dr. McVie

  B. German researchers said they had developed a test to identify cancer cells circulating in the blood of colon cancer patients.

  C. Dr. John Smyth is a professor of medical oncology at the University of Edinburgh, who was unconnected to the Munich study.

  D. Dr. Julia Juckstock and colleagues at the University of Tuft analyzed blood samples from 1,767 women with breast cancer before treatment and compared them to samples taken after about half of them had completed chemotherapy


  1. 周二的巴塞罗纳大会上发表了一项研究.该研究查明了一个令人意想不到的现象:拥有特定过于活跃的乳癌基因的病人对于化疗的反应要低于肺癌(病人)的.

  (twist: an unexpected change or development in a story or situation)



  3.four including breast, bowel, ovarian and colon


  (A: Dr. McVie Dr. Martine Piccart

  B: colon cancerbreast cancer

D:the University of Tuft-the University of Munich






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