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2018-06-12 10:00






  People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you? Use specific examples to support your choice.


  451 words2004-12-1写于北京航空航天大学

  When I was a small boy I learnt much from the countless stories that my grand father told me. In my childhood even my neighbors told me endless stories concerning about people, events, and animals that might have never existed in the real world. Growing older and older, I learnt much from doing things and from discussing things with my colleagues. The three ways of learning: by reading, listening, and doing all benefit me, but weighing them with a more insightful eye, I especially prefer reading the most.

  Reading builds the most part of my knowledge structure. It is mainly through learning from reading that I understand the world around me and inside me. It is also through reading that I learn the social convenance and etiquette. For instance, reading American literature I learnt that the descendants of the Mayflower are actually the puritans who emphasize both pragmatic gains and spiritual demands. Reading the great book of Bible, I learnt that one should not only love the neighbors but also love the enemies, if one has. When the right cheek is smote I will turn the left. Such an attitude of living derivers directly from reading a variety of books. This knowledge finally crystallizes into wisdom.

  Reading also brings me the joy, sorrow, and tranquility. Reading helps me forget the envy, revenge, hostility, anger, fury, and wrath, and instead helps me start to love, tolerate, sympathize, admire, and respect. Reading a Universe in the Nutshell by Stephen Hawking provokes me to introspectively contemplate the relationship between science and man. From this books I firmly believe that time, space, and other measures such length, width, and height are but an image that human creates but human is in no case the creator. This further pushes me to conclude that since humans are creatures, the conflicts, controversies, and competitions are all virtually futile. Of course this is not a conclusion in its logical sense. It at the most is an idea or ideal shaped by reading. Certainly the twenty years long reading greatly enriches my life and colors my emotion world.

  Reading brings to me clearer and clearer the true meaning of life. According to what I read from National Geography, the meaning of life is to make more life. But reading Buddhism books and canons I revise the understanding of the so called scientists. Today, it is my belief that the meaning of life is to love. By love, I am not meant to refer the sex between females and males. Rather I mean a faith in life, work, and man. With this faith I can readily go through the endless troubles and tribulations that I might encounter in the mundane world.


  It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?





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