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2018-06-05 10:05




  Alone or Group

  Choice A: alone

  - set own schedule

  - focus on priorities

  - concentration

  Choice B: group

  - share work

  - motivation

  - company

  Topic sentence

  - I have learned that I definitely prefer to study alone because I am more successful this way.

  Supporting sentence

  - I like to set a schedule according to what I have to study.

  - I focus my weaker areas; they might not be the ones a study group would choose.

  - Organizing my study time allows me to control the pace an atmosphere.

  Closing sentence (optional)

  Without other people around me I can concentrate fully on the work and take in the material more efficiently.

  I have learned that I definitely prefer to study alone because I am more successful this way. The method I like to follow is to set a schedule for myself according to what I must study. If I divide it into units I can manage the workload better. Mostly, I focus on my weaker areas. There are my priority areas but they might not be the ones a study group chooses to work on.While a study group sounds like it might be fun and a way to share the work, my study time is more effective when I plan it alone. Organizing my own study time allows me to control the pace as well as the atmosphere of my study sessions.Without other people around me I can concentrate fully on the work and take in the material more efficiently.

  In person or By letter

  Choice A: in person

  - take action instantly

  - get quicker response

  - express your disappointment

  Choice B: by letter

  - document the details

  - clam down

  - ask for action

  Topic sentence

  - Despite the temptation to complain immediately, I prefer to keep a cool head and wait to write a letter.

  Supporting sentence

  - A letter lets me document the incident.

  - The purpose of a letter is to file a formal record or complaint.

  - I need to find the person in authority.

  Closing sentence (optional)

  - By taking my time and writing a proper letter of complaint I can express my anger and let the store do something to make me feel better about my purchase.

  Despite the temptation to complain immediately, I prefer to keep a cool head and wait to write a letter. Complaining immediately does give some emotional satisfaction and the listener can see the very real upset I am feeling, but it might miss the point of complaining. A letter lets me document the incident and is less likely to end in hard feelings and yelling at someone. After all, the purpose of the letter is to file a formal record or complaint that must be dealt with. Perhaps the service person needs more training. furthermore, I need to find the person in authority that can act on my complaint. The manager might choose to apologize or to offer me a discount to make good on the store’s policy of good service to customers. By taking my time and writing a proper letter of complaint I can express my anger and let the store do something to make me feel better about my purchase.


  Choice A: outdoors

  - fresh air and sunshine

  - be active

  - meet other fit people

  Choice B: indoors

  - predictable conditions

  - no bugs or sun damage

  - variety of activities

  Topic sentence

  - When I have leisure time I look forward to spending it outdoors.

  Supporting sentence

  - Fresh air and sunshine are a nice break.

  - Outdoors, my choice of activities is limitless.

  - The outdoors is a great place to meet similar people.

  Closing sentence (optional)

  - The outdoors offers a great opportunity to spend free time alone or with friends.

  When I have leisure time, I look forward to spending it outdoors. Breathing fresh air and enjoying the natural light of sunshine are a nice break from the closed in atmosphere of my office. Once outside in a healthy environment, my choice of activities is limitless. Mostly I enjoy walks with friends. We like to explore new parts of the city. Sometimes we head out of town and try a new hiking trail in the woods. The outdoors is a great place to meet other like-minded people who are interested in fitness. Recently, I met someone on a walking trail. During our walk we found out we are both sighed up for golf lessons at the local club. In addition, he is interested in joining me and my friends in forming a volleyball team. The outdoors offers a great opportunity to spend free time alone or with friends.





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