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2018-06-04 10:12




  1.Why are you leaving so early?The movie doesn't start till seven.

  I don't want to be at the traffic there.It's a nightmare on the express way during rush hour.

  What does the man mean?(A)

  2.Excuse me,but could you tell me how to get to the Excelsior Hotel?I thought it was on this corner but I seem to have made a mistake.

  Hmm.I'm sorry.Maybe you should try calling them.There is a phone over there by the candy store.

  What does the woman suggest the man do?(C)

  3.Can I borrow your calculus textbook?I left mine in the classroom.And it was gone when I went back.

  That happened to me once.I'd almost given up on finding it until I checked it at the lost-and-found at the information desk downstairs in the lobby.

  What does the woman imply about the man should do?(D)

  4.Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave to Linda?

  I sure did.It must have cost him an arm and a leg.

  What does the woman imply about the ring (C)

  5.I'm always late for my morning classes.It's because of all the traffic out near where I live.

  Well,you wouldn't have that problem if you move into our campus.

  What does the man suggest the woman do?(D)

  6.Jennifer is going to the shore again this weekend.

  Well,she's always been a beach person.

  What can be inferred about Jennifer.(A)

  7.Hey,Larry.Wanna meet a few of us for coffee in a little while?

  Hmm.I would if I weren't so far behind in this reading I'm doing for history.

  What will the man probably do?(A)

  8.Oh,something in this room is making my eyes edge.I must be allergic to something.

  Hmm.I wonder what it is.

  What does the woman want to know?(C)

  9.My brother is coming this weekend and I thought three of us could go out to dinner Saturday night.Any suggestions?

  It's up to you.I don't know the restaurants around here that well.So you know a better place to go than me.

  What does the man mean?(B)

  10.Can I get a ride into the office with you tomorrow?

  Another day would be fine.But I got to be downtown for a meeting first thing in the morning.

  What does the woman imply?(D)


  1.Among the first plants to grow on the land regions of the Earth _____,which in prehistoric times grew to immense size

  (A)were horsetail rushes

  (B)horsetail rushes

  (C)horsetail rushes were

  (D)and horsetail rushes

  2.Unlike fossil fuels,which can be used only once,wind and solar power _____of energy.

  (A)for renewable sources

  (B)the sources are renewable

  (C)are renewable sources

  (D)renewable sources

  3._____ that the first cheese was probably made more than 4,000years ago by nomadic tribes in Asia.

  (A)The belief

  (B)Although they believe

  (C)It is believed


  4.Today _____ of the Earth live on a very small percentage of the Earth's land surface.

  (A)about two-thirds populated

  (B)the population is about two-thirds

  (C)about two-thirds of the population

  (D)of about two-thirds the population is

  5.It was in the year 1792_____

  (A)THAT THE New York Stock Exchange was founded

  (B)founding the New York Stock Exchange

  (C)which year the New York Stock Exchange was founded

  (D)the New York Stock Exchange founded

  6.Many small birds use new sites for each nesting,_____ large birds often reuse the same nest.









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