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2018-05-07 09:40




  Well, I disagree with the statement. Because managers who try to be friends with their staff run into all sorts of problems. A manager’s job is to evaluate staff’s work, give them feedback and make decisions. If the boss makes friends with a certain employee. Others will think the employee has an unfair advantage at performance review time, thus resentment will start to build up. What’s more, when it comes time for promotions, an employee may have expectations that as a friend, the boss will promote him or her. While the boss should choose the best person for the job, not a friend. This could create tension in and out of the workplace.


  2016年10月16日托福口语task 1

  Describe the best way for you to deal with disagreement with your friend.


  2016年10月16日托福口语task 1真题答案

  Well, actually, people argue with each other about random and trivial stuff, like what food to eat, which movie to watch, stuff like that. I usually analyze the situation, and try to understand the real cause of the disagreement. For example, I once argued about which movie to watch, and I wanted to watch action movie, however, my friend preferred comedy. After that, I get angry and really annoyed, but later, I realized the real cause of my anger was not about which movie to watch, and the real cause was that I have lots assignment due next week, and I couldn't stand that pressure, so I apologized to my friend, and we are still friends now.


  2016年10月16日托福口语task 2

  Which do you think is better? Deciding on your major before entering college or after taking some courses?


  2016年10月16日托福口语task 2真题答案

  Personally, I prefer to let students choose their major after taking some courses. To begin with, students struggle to blend in the university culture for the first year, since high school and university are too different. In high school, students get proper guidance and instruction on everything, however, in a university, students are responsible for themselves and the professors might not even know their names, therefore, it's a bad idea to deal with too many things at the same time. Fortunately, if they choose their major after taking some courses, students get a chance to be exposed to classes in different field, and they can take their time and pick up a major that they like. Eventually, they have enough motivation because of their interest.


  Task 2参考答案:

  Well I would choose to decide on major after taking some courses in college. Because before entering college, most senior high students in China are confused about their future career perspectives; they have little social or work experiences and have been busy with the national college entrance examination, who barely have any time to think over their future or what they are passionate about, so a year of broad education in grade one may give students sufficient time to avoid rushing into some areas which they would regret about and also contribute to an all-round development.





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