2018-04-18 10:40
跟读复述的定义。听一句task 3的对话,pause, 复述刚才这句话如果你有一个词漏听了,或者一个发音把握不好,都不算过。完成一篇文章的跟读复述就是词一个不落,音一个不错。如果前几次没有做好,不要气馁,想想美国人跟读复述中文材料,那是没有百遍以上绝对下不来。
当你觉得托福口语练习时基本没有错误时,找出这篇文章的文稿,模仿听力材料的语速,读一遍并录下来。听听自己的和录音有哪些差别,是否长短轻重仍然 off,抑扬顿挫仍然不地道?请记住,得过且过是不适合跟读复述的态度;作为外国人我们本来就对英文的发音不够敏感,那么尽力模仿每一个细节才是提升自己语音面貌的途径。如此跟读复述的好处就是既锻炼了听力,又练习了发音,还顺便加深了对词汇和句型的掌握。其实,和我们小时候背诵新概念是差不多的道理。
1. Describe a celebration, public event or moment that is most impressive to you.Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
2. Describe a ceremony or public event that you attended. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
3. Describe a challenging experience you had and how you overcame that challenge.Include reasons and examples to support your response.
4. Describe a disappointing event or experience in your life. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
5. Describe a leisure activity you often do in your spare time. Explain why you often do it. Please include reasons and examples to support your response.
6. Describe a memorable event that you experienced with you families or friends. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples in your response.
7. Describe a memorial you attended. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
8. Describe a social or political event celebrated in your country. Explain how people in your country celebrate it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
9. Describe a successful event in your life. Explain how you made it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
10. Describe the most enjoyable event in your childhood. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
11. Describe an activity you enjoyed most when you were a child. Explain why you enjoyed this activity most. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
12. Describe an experience that you worked well with others. Explain why that experience is important to you. Include reasons and details to support your response.
13. Describe an important experience you had recently. Explain why this experience was important to you. Include reasons and details to support your response.
14. Describe the most enjoyable event that happened in your school. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples in your response.
15. Describe the most surprising event your friends did for you. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples in your response.
16. If you could do one thing for your community, what would you do and why? Include reasons and examples to support your response.
17. What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Explains why it is more important for you?Please include reasons and details in you explanation.
18. What is your favorite way to relax yourself? Explain why you like to use this way to relax yourself. Include reasons and details to support your response.
Is it good for students to have part-time jobs?
1. It’s good for students to have part-time jobs because this helps cultivate independence among young people.
2. part-time jobs in business can foster a sense of competition, which is important for students in the future.
3. After-school work enhances a young person’s social development.
4. Being able to earn their own money gives students a feeling that they’ve become adults and, therefore, makes them feel more mature.
5. Part-time jobs make students more confident in themselves because through the work they can realize their own value and prove that they are capable people.
6. Part-time job experience gives students an insight into what work is about and prepares them psychologically for their future jobs.
7. after-school work teaches students how hard it is to earn money and helps develop thriftiness in our younger generation.
8. Part-time jobs can help students apply their knowledge in practice, and, in return, their experience will make them know better what they have learned in classes and books.
9. Part-time jobs give students a feeling of achievement through contributing to national construction.
10. Part-time jobs can make students’ lives more colourful and are good fro their personal development.
11. Students’ part-time jobs contribute a lot, in one way or another, to our socialist construction.
12. Students who have part-time jobs can relieve, to some extent, the economic burdens of their parents.
13. With the money earned, students can buy many of the books they like.
1. It’s not good for students to do part-tome jobs because they will become money-oriented
2. Many students who have part-time jobs have shown a decline in their studies.
3. Part-time jobs do not help develop a sense of thriftiness among young people because many students spend the money on high-priced items, luxuries that their parents can hardly afford.
4. Part-time jobs often distract students’ attention from their studies, and some students even play truant.
5. The main task of students is to study hard and learn what is needed for the development of our nation. Social experience can be gained later after they finish their studies.
6. Since students are in their formative years, part-time jobs may expose them to social ills at an age when they can not differentiate good from bad.
7. Some students become juvenile delinquents because they come under the influence of bad people through part-time jobs.
8. Though students who have part-time jobs may relieve their parents’ economic burdens, their early contact with society adds greatly to the worries of their parents.
9. Though some after-school work can help students practise what they learn in classes, many of the jobs require nothing of the students’ knowledge.
10. Some students have become drop-outs because through part-time jobs they’ve found that the more education you have, the less money you make.
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