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2017-12-27 14:10




  家长要约束孩子看的电视节目还是孩子可以看他们想看的任何节目? 这个实际上就是看电视的好处。

  I think parents should allow their children to watch programs that are not harmful, if their children like,Such as cartoon or teaching programs.Watching these programs could bring them more pleasure and improve their imagination and creativity, also teach them something positive.Also these children could relax themselves from study by watching TV programs.But there are some programs not suitable for children, such as movie full of violent or sex. These programs would have negative effect on children. so they should be forbidden.

  Journey 在旅行时,有些人喜欢直接到达目的地,有些人却喜欢沿途一路上观光提前计划,不同提心吊胆;省时间,了解更深入;不会exhausted on transportation

  prefer to go to the destination directly.

  First of all, the spare time is limited, so I would have a deeper understanding of the history, culture and the people where I visit if I go to the target place directly.In addition, if I go to too many different places on journey, it would distract my concentrations. Moreover, I will be tired if I spend much time on the way from one place to another. As a result, I could not enjoy the place as I planned, because of the time limitation.

  当你去restaurant 或cafe 得时候最care about 的features 有那些

  First, I would care about whether the environment and ambience are quiet. A noisy environment will make us distracted and even angry.For example, I once went to a new restaurant/cafe with my friend. Although the food and beverage provided there are wonderful, the environment is so noisy that I cannot hear clearly what my friend said. So we had to leave there for a quiet place.Another feature is whether the price of food is reasonable. If the price is too high, I can not afford it, and then I have to leave.

  城市建设中应该保持old building 呢还是应该用new building replace old building

  Keep old buildings.

  1.historical buildings are the very representation of the city’s great history. Demolishing the buildings is destroying the sense of pride of all the citizens.

  2.cause the rapid development of tourism of the city, stimulate the economy and further improve the infrastructure facilities of the city, resulting in the better being of the people in the entire community.

  3.education about the materials in the building can also increase the understanding of the everyone about the culture, custom, history of the country.






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