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2017-12-08 14:38



IBT写作包括综合写作Integrated Writing和独立写作Independent Writing两个部分。其中综合写作部分是旧托福改革之后新增的部分,对广大托友们listening, reading, writing三个方面的综合能力提出了更高的要求,按道理说,综合写作部分应该是大家犯愁的环节,其实实际情况却不然,我所接触的客户有好多问题却恰恰出现在对大家相对熟悉的独立写作部分。

  但是我们要抱着Impossible is nothing的信念来面对它!我想李宁这个著名品牌的广告词用在这里也非常的合适,Because we shall persist until we succeed!广大托友们难道不是这样吗?



  (1) 构思时间太长,打字速度稍慢,不能在规定的时间内完成写作!

  (2) 模版痕迹太重!

  (3) 作文里的GRE痕迹很明显!凡是准备去美国深造的学子们都知道,除了备考IBT之外,还必须同时备考GRE或者GMAT。而IBT与GRE的写作却大大的不同!后者的逻辑思维更紧密,论证的味道更加浓重一些。所以先准备GRE考试的托友们在写IBT作文时就不可避免地出现上述问题。这一点不容忽视!

  Sample composition

  What is the most important animal in your country?

  Animals have a power to become a symbol of a country. Each country has their own animal represent their ethnic and ethics. For example, America represents themselves with the eagle and German represents themselves with the black bear. And in China, however, our national animal is panda.

  Panda is a great source of pride in China. But panda is on the verge of extinction in the world because of people kill them. However, panda is a creature which is appeared hundreds of thousands of years ago. So it is a long and great history and scientists are very interesting with them.

  Another reason that panda becomes an ambassador for China is that it is represented as/ stands for peace and friendship. In ancient time, a flag with a panda on it raise between the two countries is represented as peace, unity and friendship. In modern time, China often sent the panda to the friendly country as a sign of kinship. As we know, China sent the panda to United State and Japan.

  Finally, the history of panda is intertwined with the history of China. In ancient time, emperors used to keep the panda as pets. They thought panda is a magical and mystical animal that can prevent natural disaster. And the lovely panda also can enjoy all the people see them.

  Thus, panda is the symbol of China. Not only it has a long and great history, but also it is represented as/ a symbol of peace and friendship. It is so important to our country that government also concerned about keeping the panda in existence no matter how it will cost. We hope the government will succeed and hope the panda can live on the earth for another hundreds of thousands of years.


  (1) W: Animals have a power to become a symbol of a country.

  R: Animals have magical power to become a symbol of a country



  能力:It is beyond/ outside/not within my power. I am not in a position to help you.

  影响力、操纵力the ability of controlling over others的相关实用短语:

  Have somebody in one’s power 对某人具有影响力;have power over somebody/ somebody’s fate能决定某人的命运;fall into somebody’s power落入某人的手心中。






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