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2017-11-07 10:11



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Most of environmental issues are too complicated, so individuals can do nothing.




  (3) 酸雨:








  2009 .6.5

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

  Solving environmental problems is the best way for the government to improve public health.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

  The government should give priority to improving healthcare than to solving environmental problems.


  第一段:背景+表明作者自己观点。In recent years , an increasing number of people are aware of the seriousness of the environmental issue ,which has aroused deep concern. Many people ,if not most ,are strong believers in the claim that environmental problems are beyond the individuals’ control .however ,I can not agree with them fully.

  第二段:一方面:政府和企业对于很多棘手的(thorny)环境问题的解决起了至关重要的作用(play a pivotal role in).接下来通过分类列举的方式分别论述政府和企业为环境保护所作的努力。如中国政府限塑令(Plastics Limiting Rule)颁布之后,减少了白色污染(white pollution),塑料购物袋的使用量可以减少2/3左右。同时节约了制作塑料袋的原材料—— 石油,“限塑令”每年可节约石油240万-300万吨。就企业而言,汽车制造企业使用清洁能源(clean-energy car)代替以汽油为动力(Gasoline-powered)的汽车,能从根本上解决汽车尾气污染问题。

  第三段:但是另一方面,个人在所有的环境问题的解决中的作用都是不可忽视,只有个人做出实在的努力(exert real efforts),环境问题才能真正解决。如限塑令颁布后,如果公众没有意识到使用一次性塑料袋(disposable plastic bags)的严重性,他们依然会花钱购买塑料袋后乱扔,这对白色污染的解决没有任何作用。其次人们的任何的细微的举动都能为环保做出贡献。比如减少吃肉,因为肉类产品的生产会消耗大量的农业资源和能源,排放温室气体。

  最后一段总结一下:我承认对于大部分的复杂的环境的问题的解决企业和政府起重要作用,但是个人的贡献依然是很重要,个人应该从自己做起,改变环境(Protect environment start from myself)。


  Sweden promotes climate-friendly food choices

  Guidelines for climate-friendly food choices developed by the Swedish authorities recommend citizens to reduce their meat and rice consumption as a way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The first of their kind, the guidelines are now being sent out for reactions and inspiration from other EU countries.

  "Meat – beef, lamb, pork and chicken – is the food group that has the greatest impact on the environment," state the guidelines, jointly drafted by the Swedish National Food Administration and the country's Environmental Protection Agency.

  The authorities note that Swedes' meat consumption has grown by an average ten kilos per person over the past ten years and now totals 65 kilos.

  According to the World Bank, demand for food is expected to increase by 50% by 2050, and demand for meat by 85%, mainly as emerging economies like China and India become richer and adopt Western-style eating habits, rich in meat and dairy products.

  The document, entitled 'Environmentally-smart Food Choices', recommend eating meat less often and in smaller quantities. "Try to exchange one or two meat dishes a week against vegetarian meals or decrease the quantity of meat," the document reads, explaining that such behaviour will lower people's climate-change footprint.

  The document further lists various facts on the environmental impact of different foods. For example, one kilo of beef contributes up to 15-25 kilos of greenhouse gases - which is ten times more than the carbon footprint of the equivalent amount of chicken.

  "Eating less meat, and making careful choices about what you eat, is therefore the smartest environmental choice you can make," the authorities state.

  In addition to information on climate and the environment, the guidelines list the health aspects related to different foodstuffs, their recommended daily intake and the consequences of over-consumption. "With a few exceptions, healthy food choices can also go hand in hand with choices that are good for the environment," the guidelines read.

  Foods covered include meat, fish, seafood, fruits, berries, starches, fats and even water. Recommendations range from eating seasonal, locally-produced fruits, vegetables and berries, avoiding bottled water, soda and palm oil and limiting rice consumption as its cultivation produces methane.

  The Swedish authorities are the first in Europe to develop such recommendations. They will be sent out to other EU countries to guage reactions before being released.

  "Provided there are no serious objections," the process should be completed within three months, the authorities noted, hoping that the guidelines will inspire authorities in other countries to follow Sweden's example.

  "Consumers make important environmental choices when they are food-shopping, so they need a sound basis on which to make their decisions. Food production accounts for roughly a quarter of Swedish consumers' climate-impacting emissions, and also contributes to other harmful environmental effects, for example through the use of pesticides," said Inger Andersson, director-general of the National Food Administration.


















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