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2017-11-02 13:11



  1. Describe a difficult subject you are not interested in but useful 
  2. Do you prefer to watch movies at movie theaters or watch DVDs at home? 

  也就是说你可以把学科说成你不感兴趣 (boring, make me fall asleep easily, having lots of formulas to remember),但是有用的,比如这些高中的学科对我们高考有着很大的作用(getting high scores in the National Entrance Examination) ,高考的成绩决定大学的好坏( with good marks, we can go to the best universities in China),大学的好坏决定了以后毕业就业等(graduating from outstanding universities could provide us with more opportunities to find appealing jobs)。 
  Accounting is a subject that I am not interested in, but I do think I can not live without it. Learning how to plan a personal budget is quite important in our daily life. We should know how to allocate their money for savings, living expenses in order to avoid the dilemma. 
  Psychology is a quite useful subject, we could share lots of things with our friends and family members, even if we are in difficulties or we are bothered by study or work we could judge them objectively and solve the problems by ourselves. 
  Diet and health is another useful subject. It’s so obvious that if we could learn this subject well, we could have strong body and lead a healthy life.   
  At movie theaters——
  1. 效果好,尤其是大制作影片需要剧场的环境,如《2012》,让人身临其境。 
  Fabulous sound, picture effects, esp. big budget productions have the ability to make the audience have the feeling of being in the movie. You know, there is a disaster movie called 2012, which I watched in the movie theater, I was totally attracted by the movie. 
  2. 结交喜欢同类电影的朋友。 
  It’s more likely to meet new friends there who are interested in the same type of the movies. For example, horror movie is my cup of tea. In fact, I’ve met several friends already from the movie theater who have the same interest with me. 
  3. 休闲放松方式。 
  It’s a good way to relax and release pressure. You know, my family members have a habit of walking to the movie theater and enjoy the movie there, especially in sunny days. It’s not only good for the health by walking, but also good for communicating with each other. 
  At home——
  1. 省钱 
  It’s much cheaper to watch DVDs at home than to go to the movie theaters. If we watch the movies online it’s almost free. But if we go to the movie theaters it costs me as much as 50 for one movie watching. 
  2. 方便 
  It’s quite convenient to watch DVDs at home. You know, I like exchanging ideas with my friends and family members about the movies while watching. It must disturb others if I watch movies in movie theaters. Another thing I prefer to watch movies at home is that I can eat some snacks while watching movies. In fact, I know it allows audience to have some pop corn in the movie theaters; I think it’s not enough; I’d also like to have some chips. As you know, having chips must make some noise that could bother other audience in the movie theaters. 
  3. 乐趣 
  When watching movies, I myself would like to enjoy the movies with my friends, talking with them about the plot and acting skills of the lead actors and actresses. I think it’s a lot fun. We always have great time when watching movies together.     
  真题回放:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else. 
  名师点评:本题按照题材分类属于” 做事方式类”类,在题库中与此相类似的题目有: 

  Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 
  Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 
  点评:这篇文章对于学生们来说相对比较困难, 因为文章的立意和论据需要学生有一定的生活阅历。 
  解析:本文题材依然延续了观点选择类 即投票题目,此类题目要求观点一定要明确,并对自己的观点进行论述,由于题目本身具有一定难度。因此正文段可以采用2-1结构即两段正面充分论证和一段让步论证的三个分论点。 
  世界越来越小(the globalization )使得个人的行为和思想得以无限的放大(like the magnifying glass)。因此作为生活在新时代的80后(born in 80s),我们的生活不仅影响了自己更加影响了这个时代(influence)。那么我们是应该与时俱进(advance with the times and people)还是标新立异(create something new and original to make yourself different)呢?as a member of the generation, I assume that we should do things more like others, and,briefly, the argument is as follows. 
  第一段, firstly,80后的年轻人很多都处于30岁以下,这样的年龄无论在物质上还是精神上都不具备成功的资源(most beneath 30,we generation not only own material but also psychic resource)。而我们前辈(predecessor )或同辈们(peer)已经为我们树立了榜样。所以我们可以借鉴别人的道路和方法前进(short cut),这样可以使我们走很多弯路。(举例法) 
  第二段, Secondly,如果我们能够听取他人的意见或者获得与他人相似的成功曾更容易得到他人的认同和支持。可以通过举例子,例如现在的大学生创业set up in business as a bookseller,我们可以借鉴他人的创业机制(Business mechanism),从事已经被验证的事业可以更容易获得成功。如果标新立异则可能会遇到被别人误解的尴尬,例如最近的网络红人罗玉凤。(假设法) 
  第三段, Although, different ideas and behavior虽然会短时间内(temporary)会获得瞬间的名誉(reputation)但是只是迎合了人们的猎奇心理(curiosity),after a long while, 人们就会淡忘,所以只求新颖只会让自己陷入困境。(让步段) 
  We should peruse the business that somebody has made a model for us. 





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