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2017-06-29 13:31




       21. Literally

  What you think it means: Figuratively. 你以为单词的含义是:象征地。

  What it really means: Actually. 单词的真正含义是:确切地。 This is something that has come about relatively recently and my generation may have helped propagate this one. Literally means actually. When something is literally true, it is actually true. If I haven't seen my friend in literally five years then I actually haven't seen them in five years. People use literally along with hyperbole to show an emotion: “I haven't had Chinese food in literally a million years.” This is meant to denote that the person hasn't had Chinese food in a while. The word those people actually want is figuratively. They figuratively haven't had Chinese food in a million years. They probably literally hadn't had it in a few days or weeks.




  22. can

  What you think it means: What is permissible. 你以为单词的含义是:可行的。

  What it really means: What is possible. 单词的真正含义是:可能的。 This is one you have to nip in the bud in childhood because it's much harder to correct in adulthood. When you can do something, you have capacity within you to perform that action regardless of whether or not you actually do it. I can bang my head into my desk but I absolutely will not do it. When people use can incorrectly it is because they mean to use the word “may.” When you ask someone if they can open the door, you did not ask them to open the door. You asked them if they were capable of opening the door. If you wish for them to perform the task, you should ask if they will open the door. When you ask if you can have something, you're not asking someone to give it to you. You're asking if you have the capacity to own it. If you need something, ask if you may have it.


  23. Defective

  What you think it means: That something is broken or missing pieces. 你以为单词的含义是:某物碎了或缺了部分。

  What it really means: Simply that it's broken. 单词的真正含义是:某物坏了。 You'll see this one a lot in Amazon reviews. People will say that their unit came defective because it was missing a screw or pieces in the box. That's actually incorrect. What they mean to say is that their product is deficient. It's missing pieces, it is not actually broken. The machine may work perfectly fine once the missing pieces have been re-added, which means that it actually isn't defective at all.


  24. Obsolete

  What you think it means: Old, out of date. 你以为单词的含义是:旧的,过时的。

  What it really means: Not produced, used, or needed. 单词的真正含义是:未生产的,未使用的,不需要的。

  You'll see this one in the tech industry a lot. People in tech article comments will comment that a phone is obsolete when they really mean that it's out of date. The literal definition of obsolete is an item that it isn't produced, needed, or used anymore. An example of this is is the steam engine. It's largely inefficient compared to today's combustion engine and even more inefficient than the emerging electric engines. Thus, steam engines are not used, produced, or needed anymore. Yes, they are also old and out of date, but obsolete is kind of the next step after old and out of date.


  Wrap up 总结

  The English language is a finicky one but it's also ever changing. Words are updated and definitions change. New words are added every year and some are retired. Very few people will ever master the entire language and the rest of us will just have to do the best we can!












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