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2017-07-03 10:59




  What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.




  The qualities of a good supervisor are too numerous to name. It also depends on the situation. Supervisors who work in an academic situation may have different qualities from those who work in a business company. Generally speaking, however, all good supervisors must have the qualities of effective communication, fair treatment, and role models.

  First, a good supervisor communicates well. A supervisor gives instructions and directions to his or her supervisees as to what work to do and how to do it. Then instructions and directions must be clearly communicated so that they can be followed. If they are not clearly formulated and explained, the supervisees may feel at a loss at why they have to do something and how to do it. (I know of somebody who gets angry easily when his employees fail to follow his instructions. However, he often gives vague instructions and is unwilling to clarify his requirements, which makes it difficult for his supervisees to follow his instructions.) Thus, a good supervisor is effective in communicating his or her instructions and is willing to clarify things for his or her supervisees.

  Second, a good supervisor shows fair treatment of employees. The supervisor treats all his or her employees with equal respect and shows no favoritism. Otherwise, some employees may have a sense of unfairness and demonstrate performance less than ideal. Even though the supervisor may have or develop some personal feelings about or personal relationship with an employee, he or she does not let such feelings or relationship affect his or her judgment and treatment of the person. Instead, the supervisor evaluates each employee’s performance against the same set of criteria and rewards or punishes each employee on the basis of objective assessment.

  Finally, a good supervisor sets an example for employees. In other words, a good supervisor sets the standards for his or her employees by his or her own behavior. Well goes an English proverb, “Example is better than percept.” A good supervisor must do what he or she requires the subordinates to do. For example, if the supervisor works hard, it is likely that his or her employees will work diligently as well. Likewise, if the supervisor always gets work done on time, the employees must feel pressured to finish work on time, too. Therefore, a good supervisor acts professionally if he or she expects the supervisees to act in a professional way.

  In short, the main qualities of a good supervisor are effective communication, fair treatment, and role models. Most supervisors have effective communication skills but sometimes forget fair treatment of employees or fail to set an example for them. Good supervisors should check themselves, every once in a while, to make sure that they are practicing these qualities.







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