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2018-07-06 10:55




  What two reasons does the professor give for approaching the lecture material as he does? Click on 2 answers

  A. we have a limited idea of what ancient Greek music sounded like

  B. the Greek philosophy of music influenced western thought

  C. Greek music shared many characteristics with other types of ancient music

  D. Greek melodies were admired by musicians from other countries

  2)One is” 后面必出现第二点并列

  正常打开:the other is



  • 答:在看到题目之前,凡并列词都需要记录,格外注重自问自答/师生问答。


  According to theprofessor, what are the two main goals of Pleistocene rewinding? Click on 2 answers

  A. To restore some evolutionary processes that ended during the Pleistocene epoch

  B. To help prevent the extinction of certain species of megafauna

  C. To increase populations of native animal species in the western United States

  D. To create a living laboratory where animal interactions can be observed

  就是采取正常引入方式:“Now, the advocates of Pleistocene rewilding cite two main goals. One is to help prevent the extinction of some endangered megafauna by providing new refuges, new habitats for them. The other is to restore some of the evolutionary and ecological potential that has been lost in North America.


  According to the professor, what interior features of the house Irwin designed were especially beneficial? [Choose two answers]

  A. Circular rooms with windows in the ceiling

  B. Floors that were easy to clean

  C. A large, spacious common area

  D. A single-fireplace system that heated the entire house

  其中有提示词提领的地方比较好判断“Yeah. The rooms inside the house were also hexagonal, six-sided. Hen. So one important thing was that the rooms were arranged around a chimney in the center of the house, which could provide heat for the whole house through flues, uh, small air passageways into each room, as opposed to having a fireplace in every room, which would require more cleaning and make the air inside the house dirtier.


  “ProfessorOK. Think about cleaning. What part of a room is usually the hardest to clean? Like...to sweep with a broom.

  StudentOh! The corners. Because in square or rectangular rooms, the corners are at 90 degree angles. Its hard to reach all the dust that gathers in the corners. But if Irwin's rooms were closer to a circle than a square, it would be easier to reach all the dust and dirt with a broom. Right?




  在听到有对比形容词的时候,如Traditional- unconventional,如Large-small ,往往代表两种性质相反的事物AB,就会出现考察这两种事物AB特性的双选题。如27-3中的一题,Compared to small animals, what disadvantages do large animals typically have? Click on 2 answers

  A. large animals require more food

  B. large animals have fewer offspring

  C. large animals use relatively more energy in digesting their food

  D. large animals have greater difficulty staying warm

  题干中就出现“small animal”和“large animal”的明显对比,而原文中则通过“fewer”“more”的数量对比来引出考点:“Biologically speaking, sauropods shouldnt have been successful. Large animals like elephants, say, they require much more food and energy and have fewer offspring than smaller animals.





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