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托福口语黄金80题分类三:Which one do you prefer(9)

2017-06-27 10:14



       托福口语主要是考察考生的词汇量、语法和逻辑思维速度和能力。如果能针对一些常考易考题型先在考前做一些针对性的训练,效果可能会更加显著,托福黄金口语80题,自从放出以来已经成为了各位考友恒久追寻的一份重要资料。这份新托福黄金口语80题还是最经典的,因为他很好的总结了口语1、2题会碰到的题目的类型,可以帮助各位考友在考前有效地对于大体思路有一个预先的准备。以下是托福口语黄金80题分类:Which one do you prefer,并附了参考答案,当考生们把这类题型都摸清搞懂之后,那么考场上就可以游刃有余了。




  I don’t support having a relaxed and unhurried life. First of all, pressure engenders impetus. If you always keep living a relaxed life, you can learn nothing and even find life tedious, because you have no idea what you are living for. Furthermore, it’s impossible for one to be relaxed forever. Life is full of chances and challenges. If you are used to an invariable and easygoing life style, you’ll be not able to deal with the chances or emergencies in your life. That’s why I oppose the relaxed and unhurried life style.


  Well, I prefer also enjoy the view on our way. First of all, I think my purpose to travel is to enjoy the beautiful scenery, whatever at the destination or on the way, so we should also spend time viewing the scenery on the way if they are beautiful and worth to see. Second, we could make our trip full of surprise, because we can’t predict whether there is beautiful scenery on the way, and if we find some place wonderful on my way, it must be a huge surprise for me, and it must be better than only going to the destination. All in all, I prefer enjoying the view on our way.


  I think old buildings should be protected and the reasons behind my view are many. First, old buildings present a place’s history, tradition, local custom and even some unique character. They were designed to be preserved as they were in early times. They serve as a mirror ro remind modern people of their past that they should be proud of.

  Second, people can make money because most old buildings are tourist attractions which attract tourists from all over the world. If they do not exist any more, visitors might go back with regret. In addition,

  tourism is always a big support to economy. Therefore, we could try to bring the funding into the budget to do whatever is necessary.


  I think it’s more important to learn from personal experience, although advices from others are helpful and sometimes necessary. First of all, when you have problems or get into a dilemma, you are the person most familiar with what you really want and it’ll promote you to develop the ability to solve. Advices from others may be just the opposite with your expectation. In addition, more personal experience will make one more mature and capable. You can realize the society more comprehensive and objective. So I’d like to learn from personal experience.


  I do prefer to live on the plain. My favorite place is the Lianfeng Mountain Park, which locates the small Bei Daihe city east of China, abut against Bohai Sea. You can enjoy the fresh air among the brushy trees as well as the euphonic birds’ singing. More amazingly, it doesn’t take long to go to the seaside. Just imagine the blue sky and ocean together with the beautiful sunshine on the beach. Furthermore, I like to collect rainbow seashells on the beach. More important, on the seaside I happened to make friends with a pretty and kind girl with the same favor for seashells. She gave me some heart-shaped seashells, which are very unique, as a remembrance. The life in the small city is really interesting andmemorable.











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