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突破SAT/AP美国历史 | 你所不知道US history“网红”国父

2019-03-19 10:18





  (位于纽约曼哈顿的汉密尔顿故居,我去的时候拍的照片找不到了。。借用下the Grange官网的照片)

  纵观SAT,AP美国历史历年考试,建国大爷华盛顿所涉及的题目非常之少,考过的也就是他的告别演说(Washington Farewell Address),建国二爷第一任副总统加第二任总统亚当斯更加不受考试出题者待见,考生几乎可以忽略他的存在,唯一考过的还是他当年办的一件很挫的事,签署了违宪的被臭骂的关于制止外国人反美及煽动言论的法律(Alien and Sedition Act)。

  那美国历史考试中最红的美国国父呢?他们是两个从来没有当过总统的,大家比较熟知的富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin),和中国考生不太熟悉的汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton),他们可谓SAT/AP US history Super Star!!!

  本期来讲一讲汉密尔顿,顺带分享下我历时一年断断续续看的近800页超厚传记Alexander Hamilton的部分读书笔记。



  他是美国建国第一任财政部长,当时年仅34岁,他建立了第一个国家银行,发行国债,让面临经济债务危机的新生国家得以生存发展,并奠定了美国作为资本主义商业强国的基础,而当时内阁中另外两个重要成员,杰弗逊和麦迪逊对美国的未来却有完全不同的愿景,他们希望把美国建成一个农业国家,经过种种辩论,谈判和妥协,汉密尔顿力排众议,从此决定了美国的命运。在位于纽约的汉密尔顿故居的介绍中,一句总结:“We all live in Hamilton's America.”从这就可以看出汉密尔顿为什么到现在还是美国的“大明星”了吧,百老汇上演了超级火爆的音乐剧Hamilton,据说票价被炒到3000美元一张依然场场爆满,而且有钱也不一定订得到票,可谓千金难求一票。



  话说在去汉密尔顿故居途中,路上和一黑哥们问路确认一下故居方位,黑哥们答曰:“Who the hell is Hamilton?”我们各种哈哈哈哈,黑哥们补充:“I live two blocks away, but I have never been there.” 玩笑开毕,黑哥们还是认真指了路。





  汉密尔顿是美国国父中唯一一位“新移民”,他在西印度群岛(West Indies)出生长大,是非婚生子,经历了各种不幸,10岁时,爸跑了,从此再也未见过,12岁时,妈妈病逝,之后投靠亲戚,寄人篱下。


  This abominable childhood produced such a strong, productive, self-reliant human being---that this fatherless adolescent could have ended up a founding father of a country he had not yet even seen.

  生活的种种不幸还是完全掩盖不了他的才华,由于是私生子,不能上正式的教会学校,他儿时在当地一所小的非正规私立学校学习,主要还是靠如饥似渴的自学和读书,还能讲流利的法语,十几岁就到一个贸易公司做学徒工,由于实在是太才华横溢,写的文章太光芒四射,公司老板决定资助他去纽约学习,17岁的汉密尔顿于1773年进入了纽约的King’s College,也就是现在的哥伦比亚大学学习,书没读完就参加了独立战争,成为华盛顿的左膀右臂,极其受华盛顿赏识,行军的时候都是拖着一大箱书在走,打仗间隙拼命看书学习,战争结束,1782年考出了律师执照,成为纽约州的律师。汉密尔顿是自我完善式的自学者典型,把所有闲暇时间都用来完善自我。



  “It seemed as if a total dissolution of nature was taking place. The roaring of the sea and wind, fiery meteors flying about it in the air, the prodigious glare of almost perpetual lightning, the crash of the falling houses, and the ear-piercing shrieks of the distressed, were sufficient to strike astonishment into angels.”



  For anyone studying Hamilton’s pay book, it would come as no surprise that he would someday emerge as a first-rate constitutional scholar, an unsurpassed treasury secretary, and the protagonist of the first great sex scandal in American political history.



  汉密尔顿的情感生活也是他戏剧化人生的重要部分,他一生挚爱应该是这位叫John Laurens的帅哥。


  维基百科里介绍John Laurens就写到Laurens爸爸都发现他从小就对女的一点兴趣都没有,虽然长大结婚了也是迫不得已。

  P95 John Laurens

  Hamilton and Laurens took an instant liking to each other and became inseparable. Hamilton later lauded his friend’s “zeal, intelligence,enterprise.” 

  As the war progressed, Hamilton wrote to Laurens with such unbridled affection that one Hamilton biographer, James T. Flexner, has detected homoerotic overtones in their relationship.

  书中还写到汉密尔顿和Laurens的很多通信都被家人刻意毁掉了,具体情况不得而知,很多历史学家都怀疑他是gay,称他“a lady's man and a man's man”,男女通杀。汉密尔顿一直都很受女的欢迎,身边美女如云。


  During Laurens's southern sojourn, Hamilton wrote to him some of the most personally revealing letters of his life. He knew the south was endangered by the British and that atrocities were being committed on both sides. Perhaps he wondered whether he would ever see his friend again. In one April 1779 letter, Hamilton expressed such open affection for Laurens that an early editor, presumably Hamilton's son, crossed out some of the words and scrawled across the top, “I must not publish the whole of this.”


  Cold in my professions, warm in friendships, I wish, my dear Laurens, it might be in my power by action rather than words to convince you that I love you. I shall only tell you that till you bade us adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed, my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I entertain of mankind and how much it is my desire to preserve myself free from particular attachments and to keep my happiness independent of the caprice of others. You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent.



  P173 Laurens' death

  But he was more of a solitary crusader without Laurens, lacking an intimate lifelong ally such as Madison and Jefferson found in each other.

  After the death of John Laurens, Hamilton shut off some compartment of his emotions and never reopened it.

  汉密尔顿的结婚对象是当时的纽约首富Philip Schuyler的二女儿Elizabeth Schuyler(下图)。


  出身卑微的汉密尔顿“嫁”入豪门之后就顺利拿到了纽约户口。汉密尔顿和他老婆的姐姐Angelica的关系也非常不一般。如果不是Angelica已婚,汉密尔顿应该是会向她求婚,而不是妹妹Eliza。(我对活到98岁高龄生过8个小孩的汉密尔顿老婆Eliza表示同情,老公或是Closet gay,还更爱她的姐姐。。。)

  P133 Angelica

  Starting with that first winter in Morristown, Hamilton was drawn almost magnetically to Eliza’s married older sister, Angelica, and spent the rest of his life beguiled by both Eliza and Angelica, calling them “my dear brunettes”.

  The attraction between Hamilton and Angelica was so potent and obvious that many people assumed they were lovers. At the very least, theirs was a friendship of unusual ardor, and it seems plausible that Hamilton would have proposed to Angelica, not Eliza, if the old sister had been eligible. Angelica was more Hamilton’s counterpart than Eliza.

  Angelica was one of the few American women of her generation as comfortable in a European drawing room as in a Hudson River parlor, and there was a gossipy irreverence about her that seemed very European. Unlike Eliza, she learned to speak perfect French. Where Eliza bowed reluctantly to the social demands of Hamilton’s career, Angelica applauded his ambitions and was always famished for news of his latest political exploits.



  Hamilton visited the Schuylers each evening, and the Schylers felt flattered that the ex-clerk from the West Indies had chosen them.



  P522 Adams

  “His fornications, adulteries and his incests (an apparent insinuation that he had slept with Angelica Church) were propagated far and wide.”

  一生都很戏剧化的汉密尔顿连死法都很别具一格,他死于和当时副总统Aaron Burr的决斗(Duel),在49岁的盛年生命戛然而止,用自己的生命捍卫荣誉。


  汉密尔顿的核心主张是美国需要一个强有力的联邦政府(a strong central government),独立战争还没结束的时候,他就开始大力呼吁召开制宪会议,他是参与制宪会议的少有的草根出身的代表。

  他成为联邦党人(the Federalist)的核心领导人物,和杰弗逊领导的民主共和党(the Democratic-Republican)对美国的未来有完全不同的愿景和期待。







  1. 以面值偿还独立战争时期美国欠下的债务(Debt);

  2. 要求国会通过法令鼓励制造业,包括保护性进口关税(Tariffs),鼓励新发明;

  3. 建立国家银行(National Bank),银行为私有,联邦政府持有部分股份。



  Unlike Jefferson, Hamilton never saw the creation of America as a magical leap across a chasm to an entirely new landscape, and he always thought the New World had much to learn from the Old.

  P345 Economy

  In a nation of self-made people, Hamilton became an emblematic figure because he believed that government ought to promote self-fulfillment, self-improvement, and self-reliance.

  Hamilton did not create America’s market economy so much as foster the cultural and legal setting in which it flourished. A capitalist society requires certain preconditions. Among other things, it must establish a rule of law through enforceable contracts; respect private property; create a trustworthy bureaucracy to arbitrate legal disputes; and offer patents and other protections to promote invention. The abysmal failure of the Article of Confederation to provide such an atmosphere was one of Hamilton’s principal motives for promoting the Constitution. “It is known,” he wrote, “that the relaxed conduct of the state governments in regard to property and credit was one of the most serious diseases under which the body politic labored prior to the adoption of our present constitution and was a material cause of that state of pubic opinion which led to its adoption.” He converted the new Constitution into a flexible instrument for creating the legal framework necessary for economic growth. He did this by activating three still amorphous clauses--the necessary-and-proper clause, the general-welfare clause, and the commerce clause--making them the basis for government activism in economics.

  常考最高法院法案Marbury v. Madison (1803),McCulloch v. Maryland (1819),大法官John Marshall的裁决都来自汉密尔顿思想的影响。作为汉密尔顿的宿敌杰弗逊的表亲(cousin),John Marshall在政治上可谓汉密尔顿灵魂附体,在最高法院一直大力贯彻联邦党人的核心思想。

  P648 John Marshall

  During thirty-four years on the court, John Marshall, more than anyone else, perpetuated Hamilton’s vision of both vibrant markets and affirmative government.

  In writing the decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803), Marshall established the principle of judicial review--the court’s authority to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional--drawing liberally on Hamilton’s Federalist number 78. His decision in the landmark case of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) owed a great deal to the doctrine of implied powers spelled out by Hamilton in his 1791 opinion on the legality of a central bank.





  Alexander Hamilton, by Ron Chernow




  主授课程:SAT2美国历史 AP美国历史/文学课程
































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