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双语:整容客户低龄化 元凶竟是自拍?(二)-上海新东方学校



2019-06-21 10:58

  以下是新东方口译为您带来的双语:整容客户低龄化 元凶竟是自拍?(二),更多上海口译资讯请关注新东方口译,点击获取更多学英语资讯。

  doctor['dɑktɚ]: v. 篡改,伪造;修理(机器)

  Although Snapchat dysmorphia is not an official mental disorder listed in the DSM, the report highlighted its similarities to body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a disorder classified on the obsessive-compulsive spectrum characterized by people going to great, often harmful lengths, to hide perceived imperfections and affects roughly 2% of Americans.


  Indeed, the negative effects social media can have on mental health and wellbeing are well documented. A 2017 survey by Britain’s Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), a health education charity, ranked Instagram as the #1 worst social media network for its associations with anxiety and depression, with Snapchat following closely behind. Following the RSPH survey, research from Carmen Papaluca of Notre Dame revealed a connection between Instagram and mental health, particularly in young, female Instagram users. Specifically, findings from the study reported that women in their late teens and early 20s found that the app negatively impacted body image.


  And the rise of selfie culture has coincided with a greater access to cosmetic beauty procedures. In the US, wrinkle-reducer Botox and dermal filler Juvéderm are being marketed to 20-somethings over its core clientele, women over 40. Meanwhile, a wave of Instagram-friendly clinics like Alchemy 43, Kate Somerville, and Skin Laundry have popularized medical beauty treatments, including services like Botox, fillers, lip injections, and laser treatments, for the under-30 crowd.

  自拍文化的兴起恰逢整形美容手术的普及。在美国,商家向20多岁的人推销抗皱的肉毒杆菌素和皮下填充剂乔雅登,他们对这部分客户的重视程度超过了核心客户——40岁以上的女性。与此同时,一大波对Instagram友好的诊所(如Alchemy 43、凯特萨默维尔、Skin Laundry等)纷纷推广医疗美容,包括对30岁以下人群进行肉毒杆菌素注射、填充、丰唇、激光治疗等服务。

  clientele['klaɪən'tɛl]: n. 客户

  The SCMP notes that a 2018 report released by Chinese cosmetic procedure platform Gengmei found that the number of cosmetic surgery clinics opening last year increased by 10% compared with 2017. And according to the Chinese online magazine Sixth Tone, Gengmei and its competitor, the cosmetic-surgery social app SoYoung, saw their communities skyrocket, with the former noting that 36 million users and 20,000 certified surgeons joined the app in the past few years. Sixth Tone also notes that Chinese clients are likely influenced by neighboring South Korea, where European and K-pop beauty standards—big eyes, slim noses, etc.—are pervasive, and about one-third of women under 30 have had plastic surgery. Indeed, double-eyelid surgery, a procedure that seeks to produce bigger, Western-looking eyes, has become a common 18th birthday present.


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