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2019-04-19 13:54




  1. 守时非常重要

  According to Expedia, punctuality is important in the UK. If you are invited to somebody's house, you're generally expected to arrive on time, but "you have a 10-15 minute grace period if you are running late."


  2. 进门前先询问要不要脱鞋

  You should ask if you should remove your shoes when entering a British home, according to Expedia. British people like entertaining others in their homes, but some of them like you to leave your shoes at the door, while others don't mind you wearing them around the house.


  3. 避免问私人问题

  British people love a debate, but you should avoid asking personal questions related to salary or religious and political affiliations if you've just been invited to someone's house.


  4. 知道如何回答“你好吗?”

  If someone asks you "How do you do?" the correct response isn't "fine, thanks," according to one INSIDER employee. Instead, you should ask "How do you do?" back — then it's on the first person to answer. It's not a common question to encounter, but it's important you know how to respond if you are asked.

  Insider网站的一名员工认为,如果某人问你“How do you do?(你好吗?)”,正确的回答不是“fine, thanks(很好,谢谢)”,而应该是反问对方“How do you do?”,然后由第一个人来回答。这不是你经常会遇到的问题,但如果被问到了,知道如何应对很重要。

  5. 用餐礼节要记牢

  According to Expedia, it's not uncommon at dinner to remain standing until you are invited to sit down. This is less common if you know the other person well, and the meal is casual. You should also keep your elbows off the table, but again, this depends on the situation.


  A fairly universal rule in the UK is to lay your knife and fork together at the clock position of 6.30 to signal you're finished.


  6. 在酒吧里请大家喝一杯

  The Expedia guide says: "Be sure to pay for a round of drinks for everyone in your group when you're at a pub." You don't have to force everyone to stay for another drink, but pub culture is big in the UK, so you probably won't have to. If someone gets you a drink, you should reciprocate. It's unusual for someone to buy only their own drinks in a bar or pub.


新东方上海学校:官方公众号 (微信号:shxdf2000



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