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《摩登家庭》大女儿骨瘦如柴 原因很揪心



2019-01-16 18:30


  Modern Family's Sarah Hyland is 'doing really well,' after recently revealing she had a secret second kidney transplant after her first one failed.

  《摩登家庭》的演员Sarah Hyland在第一次肾脏移植手术失败以后,又秘密地进行了第二次。这次手术之后她称“恢复情况良好”。

  The 28-year-old actress originally underwent a kidney transplant after her father donated part of his organ to her in 2012, but after her body began to reject the organ, she had a second operation in May 2017, when her younger brother Ian was found to be a match.


  And now, almost two years on from the second procedure, the four-time SAG Award winner says she's feeling much better and can now enjoy her life, including vacations to Mexico with her boyfriend of over a year, Bachelor in Paradise's Wells Adams.

  截止到目前,手术已经由两年的时间了,这位美国影视演员协会奖获得者称自己恢复很好,能够开始享受生活,包括了交往一年多的参加真人秀男友Wells Adams 一起去墨西哥度假。欢迎感兴趣的同学点击下方在线咨询了解新东方口译!了解更多学英语资讯。

  'I'm doing really really well. I just came back from Mexico and that was really, really nice,' Sarah told.'The good thing about being stable, health-wise, and having an amazing significant other is that now I'm able to travel more...The last time I took a vacation before this year I was 24. I just turned 28, so I've just been either working on my health or working nonstop, so it's really good to be able to do something like that now.'


  An insider said: 'She still has her hard days. [But] she's not healthy when it comes to her kidneys. She's doing well, and her levels are all good. But she is taking immunosuppressant drugs that make her very vulnerable to germs and disease so she has to be so cautious.'


  Not only has all of this been physically demanding, but the emotional and mental demands have been just as challenging for the native New Yorker. 'She has a chronic illness and she will have to deal with it for the rest of her life.




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