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2018-12-17 15:41


  Many in the profession are worried that too few women work in economics at senior level. But only recently has the source of much of the problem been identified: women are far less likely than men to study economics, let alone pursue a career in it.


  Just over a third of undergraduate economics students in the UK are women (overall, 57 per cent of undergraduates are women). The picture is similar in Australia and the US.


  “My initial thinking was that for some reason female economists were out there but not applying to the Government Economic Service,” says Osama Rahman, who jointly leads a team trying to boost the number of women among the ranks of UK civil service economists. “It was only later I realised there was a problem with women not choosing to study economics.”

  “我一开始的想法是,女性经济学家是存在的,但出于一些原因没有向政府经济服务机构(Government Economic Service)提交申请,”奥萨马拉赫曼(Osama Rahman)表示,“后来我才意识到,有问题导致女性不选择攻读经济学。”拉赫曼与人联合领导一个团队以提高英国公共部门的女性经济学家数量。

  The subject was once at the forefront of women’s educational emancipation. The first coeducational university lecture in the UK was conducted by a professor of political economy at University College London in 1871. But, while other traditionally male subjects such as engineering have made progress in attracting women, economics has struggled.

  这个话题曾经位于女性教育解放的前沿。1871年伦敦大学学院(University College London)的一位政治经济学教授进行了英国首次男女大学同校授课。然而,尽管工程等其他传统男性学科在吸引女学员方面取得了一定进步,但经济学一直不见进展。

  One explanation frequently given for why so few women study economics is that the mathematical nature of the subject puts them off. This does not stand up to scrutiny, as the share of women among maths undergraduates exceeds that in economics.


  But economics does have an image problem. Kawthar Msrar at St Marylebone school says: “It is still seen as a very male-oriented job; there is not a widespread realisation yet that girls can do it, too.” Her classmate Bryony Jones agrees: “As a mixed race woman, I don’t see anyone who looks like me doing economics.”

  但经济学确实存在形象问题。圣马里波恩学校的考塔尔慕斯拉(Kawthar Msrar)表示:“它仍被认为是一份由男性主导的工作;人们没有普遍意识到,女性也可以做。”她的同学布利永尼琼斯(Bryony Jones)同意这点:“作为一位混血女孩,我没发现有任何人想让我从事经济学。”

  In the UK, economics graduates rank second — behind graduates in medicine — in average earnings, according to data from the Institute for Fiscal Studies. Female economics graduates earned on average 20,000 pounds more a year a decade after graduation than creative arts graduates. But typically, women place less weight than men on financial return when choosing which subject to study.

  在英国,根据财政研究所(Institute for Fiscal Studies)的数据,经济学毕业生在平均收入方面排名第二,仅次于医学毕业生。毕业10年后女性经济学毕业生每年薪资比创意艺术专业毕业生平均高出2万英镑。但在选择攻读哪个专业时,女性对于金钱回报方面的关注通常低于男性。



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