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【新东方口译】双语:年轻网购族崛起 中国奢侈品市场重拾光彩



2018-11-19 14:20

  以下是新东方口译为您带来的【新东方口译】双语:年轻网购族崛起 中国奢侈品市场重拾光彩,更多上海口译资讯请关注新东方口译

  After several years of slumber, China’s luxury market is finally returning to growth. You would not know that, though, from peering into its — mostly empty — high-end stores.



  Western luxury brands have banked for years on rapid growth in China to drive global profits. The country’s breakneck economic expansion created legions of wealthy consumers keen to flaunt their newfound status. Many traveled overseas, buying high-end handbags and exotic watches in London, Milan, Paris and elsewhere.


  But when luxury retailers invested heavily to bolster their marketing and expand their store networks within China, the bet never quite paid off.


  That is now changing. Sales of luxury goods in mainland China are forecast to grow by between 20 and 22 percent this year, according to a report by the consulting firm Bain & Company. The authors of the study, one of the most closely watched overviews of the global high-end retail market, predicted that such expansion would drive up growth across the global luxury market by as much as 8 percent.

  这一点现在正在改变。根据贝恩咨询公司(Bain & Company)的报告,中国大陆奢侈品销量预计在今年将有20%至22%的增长。该研究是观察全球高端零售市场最受关注的概述之一,研究作者预计,这种扩张将带动全球奢侈品市场最高可达8%的增长。

  On the streets of Beijing, Shanghai and other Chinese cities, however, luxury shoppers are hard to find. And that is because the country is increasingly leading a shift in how such shopping is carried out.


  Take the Taikoo Li shopping center, regularly touted as proof of the rising power of the Chinese consumer.


  Its 19 buildings, in one of Beijing’s busiest retail areas, house some of the world’s biggest brands — Versace, Balenciaga and a two-story Apple store that was once pelted with eggs by customers angry over a botched iPhone launch.


  The sight of would-be buyers in any of those luxury shops, however, is extremely rare. Salespeople have little to do except mill around and stare through the front windows.


  Instead, customers in China buy their luxury goods from elsewhere — and increasingly online. Whereas groups like LVMH Mo?t Hennessy Louis Vuitton and Kering have traditionally invested heavily in a flawless in-store experience, catering to consumers who want to be pampered and doted upon, Chinese shoppers are typically younger and heavily influenced by social media.


  More and more, they like to spend their money in a digital shopping culture that is distinct from that of Europe and North America, and they are well versed in price differences across the world.


  As a result, luxury brands have revised their pricing strategies in China, and have worked to cater to local customers. They communicate with customers via WeChat, a ubiquitous messaging and social media app that is increasingly used as a shopping portal; they work with regional celebrities and “influencers”; and they offer additional services like white-gloved delivery staff to replicate the old-fashioned shopping experience.


  以上是新东方口译为您带来的【新东方口译】双语:年轻网购族崛起 中国奢侈品市场重拾光彩,更多上海口译资讯请关注新东方口译

新东方上海学校:官方公众号 (微信号:shxdf2000



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