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【新东方口译】凯拉奈特莉不满凯特王妃 刻意隐藏女性痛苦!



2018-10-29 15:33

  以下是新东方口译为您带来的【新东方口译】凯拉奈特莉不满凯特王妃 刻意隐藏女性痛苦!,更多上海口译资讯请关注新东方口译

  Only a few days after Kate Middleton made her first post-maternity leave appearance , the Duchess of Cambridge is being attacked for another one of her notable appearances—the one she made just hours after giving birth to Princess Charlotte in 2015.



  According to, Keira Knightley, another Brit, had her daughter Edie a day before Charlotte was born, and the actress was NOT happy with how Kate presented herself to the world hours after giving birth.


  In the newly released feminist essay collection Feminists Don't Wear Pink (And Other Lies), Keira wrote a piece called "The Weaker Sex," and she didn't hold back with her disapproval for Kate's post-baby look. She writes:

  近日,女演员凯拉·奈特莉便透过了《Feminists Don't Wear Pink(And Other Lies)》这本论文集中写出表达了她的心声。在名为《The Weaker Sex》(《较弱的性别》)的篇章中,她把矛头直指凯特王妃。

  We stand and watch the TV screen. She was out of hospital seven hours later with her face made up and high heels on. The face the world wants to see. Hide. Hide our pain, our bodies splitting, our breasts leaking, our hormones raging.


  Look beautiful, look stylish, don't show your battleground, Kate. Seven hours after your fight with life and death, seven hours after your body breaks open, and bloody, screaming life comes out. Don't show. Don't tell. Stand there with your girl and be shot by a pack of male photographers.


  Keira gives her own experience as comparison, writing:


  My vagina split. You came out with your eyes open. Arms up in the air. Screaming. They put you on to me, covered in blood, vernix, your head misshapen from the birth canal.


  You latched on to my breast immediately, hungrily, I remember the pain. I remember the s—, the vomit, the blood, the stitches. I remember my battleground. Your battleground and life pulsating. Surviving. And I am the weaker sex?


  Keira's essay is meant to combat the pressure put on new mothers to appear a certain way—and it sounds like she was fed up with Kate for adding to that pressure (the Duchess made glam post-birth appearances for all three of her children).


  以上是新东方口译为您带来的【新东方口译】凯拉奈特莉不满凯特王妃 刻意隐藏女性痛苦!,更多上海口译资讯请关注新东方口译

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