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2018-10-29 13:47


  Tencent’s WeChat, China’s most popular social media app, has launched its digital payments platform in Malaysia, its first market in Asia beyond China and Hong Kong.



  Malaysia’s WeChat users will be able to transfer money among themselves and make payments to offline merchants in ringgit. This suggests Tencent is building a local payments service, rather than taking the more common route of overseas expansion used by Chinese mobile-app providers that caters to Chinese tourists or nationals living abroad.


  Malaysia’s central bank has been implementing policies promoting electronic payments in a bid to boost a network that lags behind other south-east Asian markets. That has triggered the launch of digital wallets by other strong players, including Grab, the south-east Asia ride-hailing company.


  “Malaysia is a vibrant market. Technology-savvy Malaysians are embracing a digital lifestyle and to meet this shift, the payment experience has to evolve. Bringing WeChat Pay to Malaysia is our response to this,” said WeChat Pay Malaysia.

  微信支付马来西亚(WeChat Pay Malaysia)表示:“马来西亚是一个充满活力的市场。精通技术的马来西亚人正在拥抱数字生活方式,为了应对这种转变,支付体验必须发展演变。将微信支付带到马来西亚是我们对此的回应。”

  SY Lau, senior vice-president at Tencent, told Reuters in November when the company acquired a Malaysian epayment licence, that WeChat had 20 million users in the country, equivalent to almost two-thirds of the population. WeChat declined to provide a more current number.

  去年11月腾讯获得马来西亚电子支付牌照后,该公司高级执行副总裁刘胜义(SY Lau)告诉路透社(Reuters),微信在马来西亚拥有2000万用户,相当于近三分之二人口。微信拒绝提供最新用户数据。

  The potential for mobile payments is vast in Malaysia, where cash is still king but the number of mobile phones, mostly smartphones, outstrips a population of 32.1 million by more than 10 million, according to the central bank.

  马来西亚央行(Bank Negara Malaysia)称,该国的移动支付潜力巨大,在这个国家,目前现金仍是主要支付手段,但手机(主要是智能手机)数量比3210万的总人口高出1000万以上。

  But collaborations with local banks, of which WeChat has none, will be just as important for WeChat Pay to flourish there. At home, it took Tencent and Ant Financial, Alibaba’s electronic payments affiliate, years to build the links with hundreds of Chinese banks that make their services possible.

  但是,要让微信支付在马来西亚蓬勃发展,与当地银行的合作(目前微信没有任何此类合作关系)将会同样重要。在中国,腾讯以及蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)——阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的电子支付关联公司——花了多年时间与数百家国内银行建立联系,这些联系使他们的服务成为可能。


新东方上海学校:官方公众号 (微信号:shxdf2000



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