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2018-10-23 15:59



  BBC World Service is the world's biggest radio network, with 140 million listeners across the globe, broadcasting in 44 languages, heard on short-wave, medium-wave, FM and satellite. We have an ambitious plan for the brand new technology of Digital Broadcasting by Satellite, due to start next year. The appearance of the Internet has taken us broadcasters all by surprise. The Internet has enabled any radio station anywhere to become an international broadcaster with only a minor investment. Although its sound quality is far from perfect, it excels that of short-wave. Internet radio does not only mean competition but also great opportunities. The BBC is taking the Internet very seriously, for it's a cheap way of getting a reasonable quality signal to places in the even our short-wave transmitters can't adequately reach. Very recently, we launched "BBC On-Line", which incorporates a 24-hour news service. And the users can hear programmes in Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish and Russian.






  深圳机场为方便旅客,设置了4 间更衣室。室内设备齐全。旅客可以轻松愉快的环境中更换衣服,整理仪容,给前来迎接的亲朋好友留下良好的第一印象。


  As the nation's earliest established special economic zone, Shenzhen has very close economic contacts with the innerland provinces. Especially after the returning of Hongkong to the motherland, the number of passengers coming and leaving Shenzhen is increasing rapidly. Shenzhen Airport claims to be one of the ten largest airports in the country. Because Shenzhen is located in the subtropical zone, there exists quite big temperature difference between the city and northern areas in China. So the passengers from the north are always anxious to take off their overdressed warm clothes for the first important thing to do after landing in order to adapt themselves to the local temperature.

  For the convenience of the passengers, Shenzhen Airport Administration set up 4 well-furnished changerooms. The passengers can change their clothes, tidy themselves up in the easy and pleasant surroundings, so as to leave a good first impression on the relatives and friends who come to meet them at the airport.


新东方上海学校:官方公众号 (微信号:shxdf2000



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