2017-03-23 16:30
Passage 14
In Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hansberry does not reject integration or the economic and moral promise of the American dream; rather, she remains loyal to this dream while looking, realistically, at its incomplete realization. Once we recognize this dual vision, we can accept the play’s ironic nuances as deliberate social commentaries by Hansberry rather than as the “unintentional” irony that Bigsby attributes to the work. Indeed, a curiously persistent refusal to credit Hansberry with a capacity for intentional irony has led some critics to interpret the play’s thematic conflicts as mere confusion, contradiction, or eclecticism. Isaacs, for example, cannot easily reconcile Hansberry’s intense concern for her race with her ideal of human reconciliation. But the play’s complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible is no more “contradictory” than Du Bois’ famous, well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awareness coexisting with human unity, or Fanon’s emphasis on an ideal internationalism that also accommodates national identities and roles.
1. The author of the passage would probably consider which of the following judgments to be most similar to the reasoning of the critics mentioned in line 11?
A. The world is certainly flat; therefore, the person proposing to sail around it is unquestionably foolhardy.
B. Radioactivity cannot be directly perceived; therefore, a scientist could not possibly control it in a laboratory.
C. The painter of this picture could not intend it to be funny; therefore, its humor must result from a lack of skill.
D. Traditional social mores are beneficial to culture; therefore, anyone who deviates from them acts destructively.
E. Filmmakers who produce documentaries deal exclusively with facts; therefore, a filmmaker who reinterprets particular events is misleading us.
2. In which sentence of the passage does the author provide examples that reinforce an argument against a critical response cited earlier in the passage?
A. The first sentence (“In Raisin…realization”)
B. The second sentence ( Once we…work”)
C. The third sentence (“Indeed…eclecticism”)
D. The fourth sentence (“Isaacs…reconciliation”)
E. The fifth sentence (“But the…roles”)
3. In the context in which it appears, “realization” (line 5) most nearly means
A. understanding
B. accomplishment
C. depiction
D. recognition
E. discovery
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