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双语:整容客户低龄化 元凶竟是自拍?(一)-上海新东方学校



2019-06-21 10:20

  以下是新东方口译为您带来的双语:整容客户低龄化 元凶竟是自拍?(一),更多上海口译资讯请关注新东方口译,点击获取更多学英语资讯。


  Plastic surgery clients are trending younger globally, and doctors and psychologists are pointing to the rise of social media as playing a role.


  According to a report in the South China Morning Post, not only is the number of aesthetic plastic surgery cases—including cosmetic procedures like rhinoplasty, facelifts, and lip augmentations—on the rise globally, but the average age of clients is also dropping. Of the 22 million Chinese who underwent cosmetic procedures in 2018, clients under age 28 accounted for 54% (nearly 12 million) of patients. Teenagers, meanwhile, accounted for 8% of total procedures. Comparatively, in western European nations, the average age dropped from 42 to 37 in 2018; in the US, over 200,000 teens aged 13 to 19 had aesthetic plastic surgery in 2017, but only made up 1% of total US procedures.


  Doctors, surgeons, and psychiatrists are pointing to selfie-led social media culture as driving the rise of aesthetic surgery among young people. That’s a departure from what surgeons say marked plastic surgery trends of the early aughts, when people brought in pictures of celebrities and models and asked for features to better match them.


  Julian De Silva, a plastic surgeon based in London’s Harley Street, confirmed to SCMP that social media “is heavily influencing plastic surgery trends and cosmetic treatments.” In the last five years, he’s noticed that “patients are taking more photos of themselves than ever, and as a result they are far more self-conscious about their appearance. Flaws they would previously have ignored have, since the advent of social media, plagued them.”


  plague[pleg]: v. 使折磨,使苦恼;纠缠,缠扰

  "Snapchat dysmorphia,” a phenomenon coined in a 2018 paper published in a JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery Viewpoint by Boston University researchers, refers to a trend in which people are bringing plastic surgeons their own heavily doctored or filtered selfies, and requesting to look more like their photos. The report noted that 55% of plastic surgeons cite seeing patients who want to improve their appearance in selfies, a request that comes more often from teens, who are more frequent social media users than older adults.


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