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2017-01-04 17:54



      Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: working three days a week with longer hours is better than working five days a week with shorter hours.

  People nowadays are becoming more restless in daily work and life, in which the rhythm is in quite an amazing shift towards being faster. From my point of view, I would rather schedule fewer days of work rather than evenly distributed hours into more days.

  Working three days in a week means that people will have four days off in a week, which leads to a more possibly flexible schedule. This will create a clear distinction between work and life. Not only do people have enough time to do house work, hang out with friends and read a book, but also they could plan a short trip somewhere nearby, which seems always to be in a rush in a five-day work circle. I work as an English course designer now. My supervisor permits that I can come to the office three days a week with the flexibility of arranging working days on my own. When I don’t come in, I usually visit exhibitions and art galleries, take my girl on a date, attend a reading session, and sometimes just simply camp in a mountain nearby Beijing. Apparently I am not having too much desire for an exhausting Friday drink or an anxiety when Sunday night comes. Now I have more accomplishments besides work such as improving my Spanish and Bulgarian and dwelling in a library enjoying researching academics.

  Obviously, there is one implication to work fewer days: work longer hours each day. I am not hesitating to take this option still. I always need time to get into my role. When all these ideas come to me, I also don’t want to simply stop and leave the work to the next day. This is somewhat called “marginal time”, which means the time spent simply from switching from one mental status to another, for instance from that of working to that of lying down, takes certain amount of minutes to adjust to. Longer hours’ working usually can reduce this unecessary waste of time. I can go pretty far in my projects in a day if counting the long duration from early morning to late night without stopping. Some of my friends even see “work hard and play harder” as their motto. This is so true. Seeing one day’s workflow going fast is truly a pleasure, which always motivates the next progress to happen. I remember one time when my team and I went through an entire day’s brainstorm and received a huge burst of work until mid-night.

  And there is one thing adding up to this. I take work as a path to an enjoyment of life. I would totally enjoy a short yet a little painfully intense work, enjoying at the moment of working, and enjoying afterwards as well.







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