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2018-07-10 13:38







推荐搭配:used to     try my best to do     make pregress in doing



Weak in study as I used to be, I often felt it boring and had bad learning habits, such as being at a loss in class,putting aside the unsettled questions, not doing homework and so on. Now, I’d like to say I’ve changed a lot. And all my progress is encouraged by mymother’s belief and love.

To be honest, I was very naughty and showed  little interest in learning. Not until I saw my mother’s chatting records with my Chinese teacher did I make up my mind to change myself. My teacher blamed me for not finishing homework and being absent-minded in the class, while my mother said she believed that I had the ability and determination to improve. I was deeply moved. From then on, I tried my best to study, asked any questions that confused me and finally made achievement step by step.

There is no denying that it’s my mother’s trust that resulted in my slow but steady progress.










S: Hello my name is Simon. Are you a new student?

M: Yes. My name is Mary, nice to meet you!

S: Nice to meet you, too! I have studied in this college for two years. How do you like your college life?

M: It’s wonderful! And I’m really enjoying the courses.

S: Me, too! I think the courses are very interesting. The teachers are excellent. And I love classroom discussions, we can express our own feelings freely. That’s lots of fun.

M: Yes, exactly. But I cannot find anything interesting to do after class.

S: You can join some clubs and I think you can also do some volunteer work. I have joined a volunteer organization. I’ll work as a volunteer for an international exhibition. It’ll be in Shanghai, China.

M: Oh really? That sounds great! By the way, when are you leaving?

S: In five months. The city of Shanghai looks so attractive on TV. I have always wanted to visit it.

M: Me too. I hope I’ll have a chance to go there in the future. Wish you good luck in China!

去年听力判断是一篇故事短文,今年又回归到听力对话,考生应该区分对话人物关系,同时适当记录关键信息。对话以大学生活日常为主题,涉及到大学生生活的个人看法,包括对课程和课后活动的观点。用词简单,没有热点和难度,唯一稍微难一点的词组是international exhibition,但不影响全文理解。听力还需注意部分缩略拼写的读音,如I’ll work。另外还要注意对时间的考察,如be leaving和in five months等。


Kitty’s family has just moved to a new house. It was their first spring there. Kitty was very excited because it was mum’s birthday today. She wanted to plant a little garden with a lot of beautiful flowers for mum as a birthday present. So, she went to a flower shop and bought some flowers with all her pocket money. When dad saw the flowers, he laughed, because they were not real. They were plastic. Dad told Kitty they couldn’t plant plastic flowers in the garden because they wouldn’t grow. Kitty was so sad, and she started to cry. Moments later, dad got a good idea. He went to his friend, Mr. White to borrow some flower seeds. With the seeds, they started their work. They planted the seeds and put the plastic flowers above them. They worked in the garden for three hours. When her mum got back, she was surprised to see the plastic flowers in the garden. But after hearing the whole story, she was moved to tears by the special present. It was a present full of love.

今年短文填空和往年有所不同的是设置了一篇非常感人的记叙文,文章讲述了女儿Kitty在爸爸的帮助下为妈妈准备生日礼物的故事(难道今天不是父亲节吗?),女儿想为妈妈买花种在花园里,结果被爸爸发现买了塑料花,但爸爸找了好友借的种子和女儿一起种在花园里,上面再插上塑料花做成了一个美丽的花园。文章整体难度平稳,记叙文在故事的描述中应多关注人物关系和他们做了什么。词汇方面全文没用较难词汇,可以说都是考纲常用词,如:laughed、present plastic、pocket money、be surprised at、be full of、start to do等,所以也是以考察基础词汇的读音和拼写为主。




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