Describe an experience when you enjoyed an indoor game
You should say:
What the indoor game was
Who you played it with
Where you played it
And how you felt about it
上个周末我发小来找我玩,我带她去了学校附近的保龄球馆。我们两个都是新手,边玩边在手机上搜保龄球教学视频,相互给对方纠正打球的姿势。说真的,还挺有意思的。虽然是新手,我们打的可不差!那天我们玩到晚上十点多。 我觉得我已经喜欢上了打保龄球,有空还会再约朋友去的。
I'd like to talk about when I went bowling with my childhood friend. She came to visit me lastweekend. Well, we haven’t seen each other for ages! I wanted to really enjoy the time with her. Andwe both happened to want to try something new and exciting. So I took her to the Bowling Alley(保龄球馆) near my uni. Technically, it was the first time I ever tried bowling. My previous bowlingexperience was with my father when I was, maybe eight years old? I barely touched the ball! Andmy friend was a total novice (生手)! The game was a real challenge to us. As we were trying to hitthe skittles with the ball, we were also looking for bowling videos online to pick up some handytechniques(学习一些容易上手的技巧). You know, from how you ought to throw the ball to how toaim at the skittles from the right angle. Well, we took turns to help each other correct ourpostures. Surprisingly, it wasn’t a dull experience at all! We totally enjoyed it! It felt like time hadtaken us back to when we were little(时光仿佛倒流到我们小的时候), helping each other out in thechess games. We ended up making great progress at bowling that day. By the time we left theBowling Alley, it was past 10 pm. I don’t know about her, but I definitely have taken a fancy tobowling. In fact, I’m already thinking about going to that Bowling Alley again.