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2018-11-14 11:02






  2. 具体信息理解题


  扫读是有目的地在短文中为寻找某一个具体的信息或者细节而进行的搜索性阅读。特别是寻找人名、地名、时间或者某一个关键词。找到这个关键词时我们要进行局部地细心地阅读,以保证我们所寻找的答案在此处。为了保证扫读的有效性,我们在扫读之前必须认真审题,因为审题的过程就是我们明确阅读目的的过程。一般来说,这种阅读理解测试题的答案是比较好寻找的。也是同学们阅读理解测试中得分比较高的题目。只要同学们仔细阅读,认真比较,把握各准确的事实信息,从短文发现与其密切相关的信息,按照题干对号入座是很容易寻找准确的答案的。 实例说明:

  Nick is twenty-three and works in a middle school. Two and a half years ago he was ill in hospital and there he knew a beautiful nurse named Rita. The girl took good care of him and he made friends with her. They loved each other. About six months later they married.

  Nick likes reading. When he comes home, he always reads some newspaper or books. Rita begins to cook in the kitchen. And when the meat is roasted (烤), she always tells her husband to cut it in two. Then they begin to have supper together. After supper they go out for a walk, or they go to the cinema. And they enjoy themselves.

  One day Nick planted trees with his students. They climbed up a mountain and worked hard. When he got home, he felt hungry. His wife roasted a piece of chicken that evening and told him to cut it. This time he chose a bigger piece of chicken for himself and gave her the smaller one. “I remember, dear,” Rita said with a smile. “When we married, you always gave me the bigger part. Why do you give me the smaller one now?”

  Nick felt shy and didn’t know what to say. He thought for a while and said, “You cook better now than before.”

  1. What does Nick do? He is ___________________.

  A. a teacher B. a nurse C. a doctor D. a player

  2. What did Nick choose for himself this? He chose________________________. A. the bigger part of the roast beef B. the smaller part of the roast chicken

  C. the bigger part of the roast chicken D. the smaller part of the roast beef 〔解析〕

  1. A。本题是考查学生对短文的细节理解能力。通过比较四个选项可以理解是涉及到Nick的职业。带着这个信息从短文寻找,从短文的第一个句子 “Nick is twenty-three and works in a middle school.”可以找到他的职业是教师,所以选择A。

  2. C。本题是考查学生对细节理解能力和具体信息判断能力。比较所给的选项我们选择的关键信息是bigger还是smaller,是beef还是chicken。从短文的第三段最后一个句子This time he chose a bigger piece of chicken for himself and gave her the smaller one.可以寻找到答案。





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