2018-07-04 15:43
2、GUYLIAN 吉利莲;
吉利莲是比利时著名的巧克力品牌,有“巧克力王国中的至尊”之称,是海洋贝壳巧克力的始祖,现主要有 “贝壳“(金贝壳)、”雪球”、“精典”、“宝石”、“情人”及“世界之粹”7大系列。它是比利时王室曾授予金质奖章的巧克力品牌。
Guylian (French pronunciation: [ɡilja?n]) is a Belgian chocolate manufacturer founded by Guy Foubert in 1960. The company takes its name from the combination of Foubert's first name (Guy) with that of his wife, Liliane. Guylian is perhaps most famous for their production of chocolate Sea Shells praline with different fillings. Guylian has been the major sustaining sponsor of Project Seahorse since 1999.
In 2008 Lotte Confectionery from South Korea bought the company for $164 million.
Born in 1938, the son of a Sint-Niklaas baker, Guy Foubert developed his skills at the Antwerp School of Confectionery and Patisserie in Belgium. During his schooling, Guy Foubert was already selling hand-madechocolate truffles on the local market.
The Chocolaterie Guylian was founded in 1960 and the name 'Guylian' is created by combining the first names of the bride and groom (Guy and Liliane). They started with a small production unit at home, producing pralines and chocolate truffles that were sold to local chocolate shops.
Guylian sells pralines in gift boxes, individually wrapped chocolates, chocolate bars, chocolate truffles andnapolitains. Guylian is best known for its chocolate Sea Shells. Beside the original Guylian hazelnut praline, created by Guy Foubert in the 1960s, there are now other flavours available.
3、Godiva 歌帝梵;
在众多的比利时巧克力品牌中,最有名气的要数歌帝梵(Godiva)巧克力,1926年由比利时人Joseph Draps创立。自1968年起,Godiva更成为比利时皇室御用的巧克力品牌,不愧是最贵气的巧克力。
在Godiva制造的超过200款的巧克力当中,有3款是为比利时皇室的盛事而特别设计的,其中最新的一款名为“Mathilde”,是为纪念1999年比利时王子大婚而特别以王妃的名字命名的。除了比利时皇室,很多世界名人如美国前总统比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)、女星伊丽莎白•泰勒(Elisabeth Tailer)等都是Godiva的忠实Fans。
Godiva Chocolatier is a manufacturer of premium chocolates and related products. Godiva, founded inBelgium in 1926, was purchased by the Turkish Y?ld?z Holding, owner of the ülker Group, on November 20, 2007. Godiva owns and operates more than 600 retail boutiques and shops in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia and is available via over 10,000 speciality retailers.
In addition to chocolates, Godiva also sells truffles, coffee, cocoa, biscuits, dipped fruits and sweets, chocolate liqueur, shakes, wedding and party favors and other items arranged in gift baskets. Godiva's signature package is the Gold Ballotin (French for "small, elegant box of chocolates"). Godiva also produces seasonal and limited-edition chocolates with special packaging for all major holidays. Godiva also has license agreements for the production of ice cream, cheesecake, coffee pods and liqueur that comes in several chocolate-related flavors.
Godiva was founded in 1926 in Brussels, Belgium, by Joseph Draps who opened his first boutique in the Grand Place in Brussels under its present name, in honour of the legend of Lady Godiva. The first Godiva shop outside Belgium was opened in Paris on the fashionable Rue St. Honoré in 1958. In 1966, the company's products reached the United States, where they were sold at luxury strip malls. The following year, it was purchased by the Campbell Soup Company. In 1972, the first Godiva boutique in North America was opened on New York's Fifth Avenue.
By 2007 Godiva had annual sales of approximately $500 million. In August of that year, Campbell Soup Company announced it was "exploring strategic alternatives, including possible divestiture, for its Godiva Chocolatier business"; the company said the "premium chocolate business does not fit with Campbell's strategic focus on simple meals".
On December 20, 2007, Campbell announced that it entered into an agreement to sell Godiva to Y?ld?z Holding based in Istanbul, Turkey, which is the owner of ülker group and the largest consumer goods manufacturer in the Turkish food industry. The acquisition was completed on March 18, 2008, for $850 million.
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