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2015-03-15 19:33  作者:新东方口译组  来源:新东方上海  字号:T|T



Spot-Dictation的主题是“Click and Go generation”。

继“努力工作安全至上”(work hard and play safe)的“大萧条/战争”一代(Depression/war years generation),“努力工作享受生活”(work hard and play hard)的“婴儿潮”一代(Baby Boomer generation), “在不影响玩乐的前提下努力工作”(work hard as long as long as it doesn't interfere with play)的“X”一代(X generation)后,当今的年轻人被称为“Click & Go”一代。

这一代人能接触到大量信息,更注重隐私,随手关门躲在自己的房间里用各种通讯设备与外界保持联系。家长们常抱怨他们过于独立于家庭(individualistic and isolated from family),而他们自己则抱怨家长不给予尊重。心理学家认为家长有权了解自己的孩子在与谁交往,但要注意方式的灵活,不然适得其反,只会引起孩子的叛逆。与此同时,这一代人也是受教育程度最高,最具全球视野的一代(most educated and the most globally aware generation),他们知道学习及获得一份工作的重要性。



与往年相比,今年statements部分可谓毫无难点,其中第2句和第10句还是选自往年考题,再次证明考试前的习题集训是多么重要。从考点上看,今年考题中,转折和让步题型偏多。 第三题涉及商务,settle claim 在保险业中,解释为理赔。 唯一有难点的就是第8句中,那个decibel,解释为分贝,但是紧接在 listening to noise后面,应该能猜出decibel的意思,而且发音非常相近。

1. Michael has put all his spare time into foreign language training, although he only studies English for only two years, he speaks it very well.

2. All my colleagues are going over to the cafeteria now. But I cannot.  I’m wait­ing for a phone call from a client of mine.

3. The insurance company acknowledged receiving my letter, saying they’re going to settle my claim very soon.

4. If this hot weather keeps up, you’d better stay away from outdoor activities, although it’s still a long way up, you know.

5. I think television is unhealthy for us. You sit around too much. Do we play sports every day? Well most of us, walk very short distance and do little exercise.

6. Over 50 years, books were among the cheapest things you could buy. The expenditure of a dollar or two at Christmas solved all your gift problems.

7. Generally, between the age of 5 and 7 a child will master two or more languages if the child is exposed to those languages equally and have comparable experiences in them.

8. Listening to noise above 140dB, such as a jet taking off close by can result in serious hearing loss, the same is true for listening to a live rock concert once or twice a week.

9. A survey conducted by a London University claims that average Britons with an unexpected appearance looking earn 3000 pounds less than their better looking colleagues.

10.  Some businesses or government agencies provide employees with the opportunities to progress to higher positions with higher salaries.  The higher position an individual occupy, the more responsibilities it brings.

Listening and Translation

1.   Sentence Translation


1. Australia has millions of sheep. They say there are three sheep of each inhabitant of the country. Thousands of tons of wool are produced each year inAustralia.


解析:inhabitant 这个词汇略有难度,有些考生不太熟悉,需要平时的积累。

2. People in large cities are surrounded by noise pollution. Everyday their eyes are bombarded by sounds by vehicles, machines, television loud speakers and so on.


解析:这道题的第一句话很容易理解,考生可以马上提纲挈领地把握整体意思。但在后面的句子中,bombard 这个词相对不常用,联系上下文也能知晓文意。比较有趣的是最后的列举项:loud speakers, speaker 是扩音器的意思,而不是演讲者或者说话人,这里要特别注意。

3. In order to be successful in this world, you must get along with people. This means you must learn to behave in such a way that you have the affection and respect of others.


解析:这里的难度在于the affection, 部分考生可能没有听出来,不是effection (不存在这个词汇用法)。

4.In the big data era, the biggest business in developed countries has become information, which we have more access to, thanks to e-mail, the internet, TV and cell phones.


解析:这句话是常规题目,类似题目考过多次,只要能够紧跟形势,听懂 big data era, 整句话就迎刃而解了。

5.Initially,they were demanding a discount of 20 percent on orders of over 10,000 units, but we finally managed to beat them down to 12.


解析:本句开始,initially就是一个相对冷门的词汇,然而只要考生沉着应对,即使听不懂也不影响后面整句的理解。最后,原文是12 而不是12%,需要考生自己结合前文,推理出这里是商品折扣12%。

2.   Passage Translation

Passage translation部分难度也与平时持平。第一题与以往考试一样,开门见山就是主题词;而考生也能根据常识写出游泳对健康的好处。 第二题有些难度, 除了有两个数字外,The paste was put into snow to freeze and kept cold in underground chamber. 一句的理解有一定难度,paste一词作为可以根据发音大概翻出 “攀丝”这样的词。(不知现在90后同学是否知道,90年代的时候,超市里出售巧克力攀丝,chocolate paste, 用于野餐时,涂抹在面包片上)此外,paste一词也出现在《中级口译口译教程》中,更确切地可以翻译成“米饭和牛奶混合成的糊”。 underground chamber 可以翻译成地下室。 句中的voyage 是英文中常见的法文借词,等同于trip;英语中还常用 Bon voyage! 来预祝朋友旅途一路顺风。


1. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise. It can improve heart action. It also helps blood circulate. Swimming will develop strong muscles. It will even strengthen the lungs. People who are disabled and cannot enjoy other sports can keep their bodies in better condition by swimming. It is a good idea for parents to make sure that their children learn to swim at an early age. This will be an activity children can enjoy for the rest of their lives.

2. More than 4000 years the first ice cream was produced by the Chinese. It consisted of mixture made from rice and milk. The paste was put into snow to freeze and kept cold in underground chambers. Later, Marco Polo discovered ice cream on his voyage to China and brought the recipe back to Europe. Today ice cream is found all over the world.  But the country where the most ice cream is eaten is the United States. The average Americans eat 21 meters of ice cream a year.


上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员,中级口译听力明星教师。新东方论坛www.shnosbbs.com超人气版主。 思路灵活清晰、语言生动幽默,擅于在良好的课堂气氛中打造寓教于乐的英语学习殿堂,并用轻松愉快的互动课堂模式把知识淋漓尽致的展现给每一位学生。参与编著新东方《中级口译笔试备考精要》及《中级口译全真模拟试卷》。

新东方(上海)学校口译研究中心成员,中级口译口语口译明星教师。自从1999年进入英语培训行业,已经培训了上万学生。 10多年的一线教学,沈老师积累了丰富的教学经验。目前他主要教授的课程有:《中高级口译》项目口译口语课程,以及《倍学口语》项目,商务英语课程。2012年,沈祎老师被评为新东方(上海)金牌讲师称号。

