2015-03-15 13:08 作者:张曦 来源:新东方上海 字号:T|T
Nowadays, the world is increasingly optimistic about the future of China and many foreigners even envy the Chinese for their well-being. Many European and American scholars argue that the west’s arrogant self-centralism has overshadowed its intellect and the western world should have timely reflectionon China’s success and learn from it. While others sympathize with the bright prospect of Chinese economy, we shouldn’t despise ourselves nor misjudges the developing trends of the world or our own circumstances, underestimating our potential for development and belittling ourselves to the loss of confidence.
Of course, we should be aware of the difficulties and hardships even in good times of stability and prosperity to foresee the risks and challenges ahead instead of resting easy into inaction. Though many opportunities come without scramble, we should strive to create and seize them by ourselves. As long as we forge aheadin the modest and enterprising spirit, conquering difficulties and strengthening our own edges along the way, we are bound to live in greater prosperity.
上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员,高级口译翻译明星教师,高级同声翻译。中高级口译考试笔试阅卷人兼口试主考官。上海交通大学英语硕士、博士。知识渊博,旁征博引,充满激情,深受广大学生欢迎。参与编著新东方《高级口译笔试备考精要》及《高级口译全真模拟试卷》。 |
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