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2017-07-05 10:14




  1. Marriage is the result and extension of love. Therefore, romantic love is the most important condition for marriage.

  2. love should be the most important condition for marriage because a marriage without love is like hell in which the couple suffer for the rest of their lives.

  3. Romantic love will enable the couple to conquer any difficulties in their life together.

  4. In feudal~ society, many people suffered from arranged marriages because love was never an element for consideration in marriages at that time.

  5. Romantic love can lead to the healthy psychological development of the couple.

  6. Marriages based on romantic love will bring forth beautiful and intelligent children.

  7. Marriages based on love tend to create a happy and harmonious~ atmosphere in the family which is good for the development of children.

  8. A happy marriage helps one to achieve more in one's career.

  9. A marriage without love is worse than being single.

  10. Marriages without love are most likely to end in divorce, which creates many social problems.


  1. Love is not the most important condition for marriage because love is romantic whereas marriage is practical.

  2. tack of money in a new marriage might bring trouble and chronic~ quarrelling.

  3. Education is the most important condition for a good marriage because a couple whose educational levels do not match are not likely to have much in common.

  4. A marriage based on romantic love alone will not last long, for a sense of responsibility is most essential to a successful marriage.

  5. Age is a very important condition for a happy marriage because, if the couple belong to different age groups, they tend to have different interests and find it hard to understand each other.

  6. Love is not the most important condition for a happy marriage because, when the choice is carefully and wisely made, it's usually a good one.

  7. Health is a very important condition for a good marriage. If either party of a marriage suffers from poor health, then happiness is impaired.

  8. As the saying goes, "Love blinds a man to all imperfections." So a marriage based on love alone is only a bet for happiness.

  9. Parental approval is important for marriages because it creates unity in a family. Moreover, the experience of parents can often correct and restrain the headstrong and distorted choices of inexperienced youth.

  10. Love is not the single, most important condition for a successful marriage. It requires the combination of many conditions, all of which are important.






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