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2018-07-23 17:17




       The reasons of having babies at older age are manifold. Firstmodern people are too occupied to see to their babies because of the pierce competition, ever-accelerating pace of modern life and excessive workload. More precisely, many adults have to struggle to climb the career ladder; hence, they have no time to expect a child. Also, countless females desire to maintain a slim figure. So, they all have no mood or zeal to raise a child.


       Granted, some merits could be gained via delaying the time of pregnancy. Primarily, people could temporarily diminish family's financial burden brought about by rearing a baby. Specifically, they could have more money and time at their own disposable. Indeed, a baby entails not only parental financial investment but also excessive energies. Further, parents who have comfortable family budgets could greatly conduce to their children's growth. It is easier for them to afford their children's tuition fees and daily expenditure. Meanwhile, late-life parents have more common sense in terms of child-rearing.


  However, there are some drawbacks triggered by giving birth to a kid when young adults are aging. Initially, some childless adults may suffer from isolation because they might fail to acquire well-being deriving from rearing a child. In some cases, marriage will suffer too. On the societal level, a society may suffer from aging population and thus lose adequate driving force of social progress.


  It is my standpoint that to get a child at an older age is a two-edged sword. The option should be given to every individual. Yet to have a baby at early age enjoy more merits and should be advocated.


  1. it is not rare to see that 很常见的是……

  2. have a baby in the late of adulthood 成年晚期有孩子

  3. child rearing 育儿

  4. raise a child = rear a child 养孩子

  5. give a birth to baby 生小孩

  6. get pregnant = expect a baby怀孕





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