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2018-07-23 17:05




  【首段】 背景介绍 + 作家立场

  People’s views differ greatly as to which should be the superior option of academic pursuitto opt for courses conducing to future career or to focus on subjects that interest them. As I see it, compared with choosing subjects that can help young adults ready themselves for career challenges, to deliberately specialize in one’s favorite courses is more commendable.


  Opting for the courses that one takes considerable interest in will enjoy more visible merits. First, one’s study motivation can be highly stimulated if one can choose subjects exerting a peculiar fascination on him or her. Conversely, people might generate career burnout even if they might get a profit-making job. Also, taking the courses that one takes keen interest in can fully tap his or her infinite potentials. Meanwhile, one can fully enjoy the process of learning and career life. Eventually, it is also a sort of success if one can perfectly combine specialized knowledge with career ambition. In light of these statements, college students have sound reasons to select the courses they love, and then they will love the courses they choose.


  Yet, the acquisition of pragmatic courses might still have some merits. Apparently, job-related courses will help one outshine many candidates and successfully secure a decent job. Still, some people might argue that education is a kind of investment and competitive courses such as accountingcomputer and business management canin most casesearn high interests. Thereby, what some people are concern about is whether the course of their choice can lead to a profitable career. Sure enough, career-related subjects can lay a solid foundation for climbing the career ladder.


  To sum up, even though choosing utilitarian subjects is never without merits, my view is still that university students should be encouraged to choose their favorite areas of study.(303)





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