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2018-07-11 13:24



In a word, people nowadays have very little time for anything; television is merely among many other factors that affect communication, and is definitely not the main cause of degradation. It seems that the more one is educated, the more one is aware of the deleterious effects that excessive television causes, and either deliberately avoid it or actually do not enjoy it. On the other hand, there really are many people addictive to television. But the fact is, were television not existent, surely these people would have found other escapes, such as alcohol or gambling, for example. In other words, people always find a way to do what they want to do. Therefore, I do not agree that television has destroyed communication among friends and family.


Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contract between countries has a positive effect; others say it could contribute to a loss of the countries identities. Do you agree or agree or disagree.

Our world is changing but the questions seem to remain the same; is increased contact between cultures leading to cultural destruction? Well maybe it is, and, maybe it isn't. And maybe that is a good thing, and maybe it isn't. But what ever is happening we have to understand that we cannot control it, nor change it, but rather we have to get used to it.

In this modern world there are so many possibilities; many people can live how they wish and where they wish. People choose to take up any identity that they want; in China some westerners embrace Chinese culture, whilst their Chinese neighbors are wearing Nike and eating at KFC. So it is hard to say if this is cultural loss or not. (Are American's committing cultural suicide with their KFC and McDonald food?) The world is far more complex than we try to make out.





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