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2015-05-08 15:36


作者:雅思听力组 丁慧




那么请看下面对于剑8真题的具体分析。(例题:C8-T2-S2 Questions 15-20

Questions 15-20

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

15 When are the experimental areas closed to the public?

    A all the year round

    B almost all the year

    C a short time every year


All these areas can be visited by the general public for almost all the year…although…please take note of the large signs at the entrance to each area which tell…which tell you when certain areas are being used for particular controlled experiments and are therefore temporarily out of bounds to the public.

读题:closed to the public划出作为该题的关键词。选项中注意A选项的allB选项中的almostC选项中的short time即可。

听题:temporarily out of bounds to the public为答案句,但是很多学生在听到All these areas can be visited by the general public for almost all the year的时候就会很容易把答案错选成B,这么选的同学基本都是在读题时没有注意到close。因此真的做题方式应该是在听到刚才那句混淆答案的句子出现的时候果断将B选项排除。另外,其实这题大家可以通过常识想一下,如果答案真的选择B,那就意味着这个区域全年大部分的时间是对外关闭的,是不是很不符合常理。

16 How can you move around the park?

   A by tram, walking or bicycle

    B by solar car or bicycle

    C by bicycle, walking or bus


How can we travel around?

Well you have a choice of means…all environmentally friendly…cars are banned in the park. We have bicycles which you can hire behind the Reception block…here…the healthy ones of you can go on foot and finally there’s our electric tram, powered from solar cells.


听题:答案句为We have bicycles which you can hire behind the Reception block…here…the healthy ones of you can go on foot and finally there’s our electric tram, powered from solar cells.这里考生只要能够听到on foot然后迅速替换成选项中的walking,然后又能抓到句中的tram就不会有问题了。

17 The rare breed animals kept in the park include

    A hens and horses

    B goats and cows

    C goats and hens


A good place to start on your tour is the Rare Breeds section. We keep goats, sheep and hens and other kinds of poultry.

读题:题目上注意rare breed animals即可,选项也是需要注意三个选项中的不同。

听题:We keep goats, sheep and hens and other kinds of poultry.基本上如果学生能够抓到这句答案句的话基本上应该不会错,但是即使没有抓到这句,学生应该通过后面一句中We are also thinking of bringing in cows and horses…并列出现的cowshorses运用并列排除法把AB同时排除。

18 What is the main purpose of having the Rare Breeds Section?

    A to save unusual animals

    B to keep a variety of breeds

    C to educate the public


These are very popular with the public but of course we mustn’t lose sight of the main purpose of having this section, not as such to preserve rare animals but to maintain the diversity of breeds to broaden the gene pool for agricultural development.

读题:题目上注意main purpose以及Rare Breed Section,选项A注意save unusual animalsB注意a variety of breeds,选项C就是educate the public

听题:the main purpose of having this section, not as such to preserve rare animals but to maintain the diversity of breeds to broaden the gene pool for agricultural development当同学们听到main purpose之后会听到not as such to preserve rare animals,因此听到否定not就可以果断把选项A排除,之后很明显可以听到diversity of breeds,就是B选项的同义替换。

19 What can you see in the park at the present time?

    A the arrival of wild birds

    B fruit tree blossom

    C a demonstration of fishing


Green Vale changes with the seasons with different events happening at different times of the year…for example John Havers, our expert fly fisherman, is currently giving displays on the lake.

读题:在读这题时考生一定要注意题目中at the present time这个时间上的限定,选项基本上分别注意到wild birdsfruit treefishing基本就可以了。

听题:当考生听到May will be perhaps out most spectacular month with the arrival of the Canada geese and when our fruit trees will be in full blossom的时候应该马上意识到选项AB是并列关系,因此运用并列排除法答案就应该是选项C。而且后面很明确能够听到ur expert fly fisherman, is currently giving displays on the lake

20 The shop contains books about

    A animals

    B local traditions

    C the history of the park


Do take time to browse round our shop…there is a wide selection of books on wildlife, some of them written by local authors…


听题:当考生听到there is a wide selection of books on wildlife中的wildlife应该立刻反应过来就是选项A中的animal,那么就能选出正确答案了。当然,仔细的考生还能通过之后的some of them written by local authors发现选项B在这里起的误导作用,已经最后and the history of farming很明显是故意误导学生去选择选项C,因此用排除法其实也很容易把正确答案选出。


雅思听力技巧-如何提高选择题正确率?感谢上海新东方学校英联邦部雅思听力组 丁慧老师供稿。


l  澳洲迪肯大学会计与国际金融双硕士,雅思听力高分获得者。

l  善于针对不同的学生制定个性化的教学方案,所教授学生都有不同程度的进步,教授出多位听力8分以上高分和满分学员。进步最显著的学生从听力实考从5.5分提高到到8分。

l  教学风格细腻,为人亲和,具有丰富的一对一及小班课程授课经验,深受学生爱戴。












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