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2017-07-06 10:42




  Internet literature books are shifting from the very edge of the publishing industry to the centre of it.

  It’s a dead end road if Net literature keeps waiting for something to happen. As Net literature becomes more and more popular, it should be enriched with more variety in its content and more depth in its thinking. The publishing industry is shouldered with the responsibility of making Net literature become more mature.

  Marketing: key to producing bestsellers

  Books are often made popular by how well they are promoted, rather than how well they are written. At least this is certainly true of some novels.

  Bestsellers (best-selling books) 畅销书

  Behind every bestseller there is a huge investment into the promoted campaign.

  We invested a considered sum of money into it, and the income is worth the investment.

  Before Rich Dad Poor Dad was printed in China, the company had it promoted in more than 40 advertisements in newspapers and magazines and over 600 websites in just one month.

  Books have to be advertised to get the public’s attention.

  There are so many books company in the market. If you don’t promote it and just rely on word of month, it’s doomed to fail.

  To promote a book, a publishing house first decides on a good topic and invites a write to write on it.

  If you find the right topic, the topic readers are interested in, you find the market, then you have done half the job of making your book succeed.

  What I like reading best are biographies of all kinds of people, especially those successful ones, for they are educational, can lift my spirit, give me energy and lead me to a right road.





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