2016-08-01 09:49
之前在雅思口语里给大家介绍过“游学经历”可以搞定的话题,比如Describe a place you visited but only for a short period of time.
Describe an educational trip you went on. A special trip you would like to take
in the future. A long journey/short trip you’d like to try again.或者an
important stage in your life.
大家再扫一眼最新的雅思口语机经,是不是a positive change也可以用这个口语素材呢!我认识好多孩子,游学回来之后,简直就是“一夜长大”啊,从游手好闲虚度光阴的“无业游民”,突然变成了目标明确雄心壮志满腔热情的“四好青年”,从此发愤图强好好学习天天向上。谁能说这不是一个“积极的改变”呢!这里突然想到了一句“鸡汤”:My future self will certainly look back on all my hard work and
thank me for it. 或者My future self will certainly thank me for all the hard work I’m
doing now.再或者I believe I’m doing something that my future self would thank me
for.(将来的我,一定会感谢现在拼命努力的自己!)医生说是考官一听,这孩子有发展啊!太励志了!说不准万一给个情感分儿呢是不是!(Just kidding,专业的考官是不会因为这个给我们加分的… 不过好印象倒是可以留一个嘛。)
Well, so
far, the most positive change in my life happened after I participated in a
global study tour to XXX (你去的国家) during last summer vacation. It was my first time to travel
abroad, and also the first time to travel without the company of my parents, so
you can imagine how thrilled I was when I landed.
the trip, we visited several world-renowned/prestigious universities, which was
totally an eye-opener and impressed me a lot. I mean, the vast and gorgeous
campus really blew my mind at first sight, especially XXX (令你印象最深刻的大学), I couldn't believe it is a school, ‘cause it’s more like an art
museum. There’s a big verdant lawn in front of school buildings, students and
professors can read on the benches, or just sit on the grass. Our guide told us
there are countless famous people graduating from here, like Oscar and Nobel
Prize winners. And they have an artificial lake with swans floating around. I
also saw someone playing the guitar by the lake. So I feel that it’s a perfect
mixture of intense academic atmosphere and laid-back lifestyle.
I told
myself, this is the education I deserve. The whole experience was a life
changer for me, ‘cause I finally figure out what I wanna do with my life. It’s
fair to say it marked a turning point in my life. I used to idle my days away,
hanging out with my friends or just being on the computer in my room, but now
every day I wake up with a purpose, and I have a clear goal and I’m working
hard to realize my dream—that is to be accepted by XX University.
spent all my waking hours preparing for the IELTS exam for the last XX months,
which is exhausting and stressful, but I believe I’m doing something that my
future self would thank me for.
这个雅思口语素材的中间段落大家随便改,把大家真实看到的最打动你的场景告诉考官,最后一段主要聊的就是这个change,大家还可以说说自己从前是如何荒废时光不务正业的,之后又是如何珍惜时间努力学习的,于是,雅思口语答案就出来啦。希望大家都可以用自己的positive change打动考官!
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