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2016-01-06 14:59


作者:雅思口语组 奚敏


除了大家耳熟能详的第二部分话题:Describe a traditional Chinese festival之外,还有哪些题目我们也可以谈谈这个我们最喜爱的节日呢,且看下面几道题:

•      A time when you got lost

•      A long walk you ever had

•      A long car journey you went on

•      A time that you are looking at sky

•      A traditional/important Chinese festival

•      A happy family event from your childhood that you remember well

同学们都知道这些问题如果一道一道准备的话势必会耗费大量的时间和精力,如果能巧妙地将他们联系在一起,那必然会很完美!乍一看这些问题风马牛不相及,但是如果给他们同一个情境,比如春节,是不是能把他们联系在一起呢?那如何用春节这条主线把他们串联在一起呢?我们需要的技巧就是讲故事,通过讲一个春节发生的故事把他们连成一条线。讲故事之前,既然是春节Spring Festival,我们先来了解一下春节相关的重要词汇吧。

首先春节最重要的自然少不了团圆饭reunion dinner了。

As we all know, Spring Festival is a time for families to get together. Wherever we are, we will come home to celebrate it with our families.

Anyway, as for what people do, we have quite a lot to do at Spring Festival. Reunion dinner is a must for this festival. This is seen as the most important meal in the year. Families sit around the table and enjoy the food and time together.After this, people will stay up late and watch the New Year Gala.

At midnight, there will be great firework shows in some big cities like Shanghai, Beijing, etc.


上面都在讲春节这个传统节日( a traditional Chinese festival),接下来我们就要驱车前往了(a long car journey)


Last year, I went to the bund to watch the fireworks with my family. My dad drove us there after the dinner. It was actually a bit far but not as far as it was that day. There were so many people on the way for the fireworks and we waited so long for the road to be clear. After almost three hours, we were finally there and my dad parked the car near People’s Square station.


大约三小时后,我们到了人民广场,停完车准备步行前往外滩(a long walk)。步行过程中,你不小心和家人走散(a time you got lost)


You know it was a long walk from the West Nanjing Rd to the bund. We walked with the crowd for 20 minutes and fortunately we arrived on time before midnight. But it was too crowded and we could not get close to the best view area. What was worse was that I was pushed and squeezed away from my family. I called my mom, but the signal was bad at first. I was so down and helpless in the noisy crowd. There was music playing around me and people were either laughing or complaining. Everything seems in a chaos. I knew my family was looking for me and they could not enjoy because of me. So I tried calling again and again. Finally it got through and we met under an easily seen statue.


历经千辛万苦,找到家人,还好在烟花秀前赶到,终于可以欣赏夜空中的烟花啦(a time you watched the sky)


It was not that bad though. We met before the countdown routine and we countdown loudly with people around us and were shocked by the gorgeous, stunning fireworks. They were like the most beautiful ever flowers blooming in the night sky. The night sky was no longer dark. It was lightened up and attracted everyone who were there. People looked up to the sky, smiling, singing and dancing. We stayed there until the bund was much lighter and we took a photo there.


欣赏完烟花,拍完照,成为你小时候和家人的一次开心的经历(A happy family event from your childhood that you remember well )







感谢上海新东方英联邦雅思雅思口语组 奚敏老师提供原创稿件!












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