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2015-10-12 17:16


作者:雅思口语组 金迪



The importance of learning history.

1)  Learning about history could help us to get a better picture of the current situation, and it can also let us make a precise prediction about the future.


  • get a better picture of 有更深刻的理解
  • precise 精确的

2 In the olden days, people made mistakes, we should learn from the mistakes for fear that we might make them again.


  • for fear that 以防(虚拟语气)

3 I believe that there’s no absolute innovation and creation, even the most famous and renowned artists and designers tend to be inspired by classical and vintage works.




Why can’t we learn history well?

1)   I have to say that I’m quite interested in history, but the way our teacher teaches us is so boring that I can’t help falling asleep in history classes.

  • Can’t help doing  忍不住做

2)   I always failed in my history tests, and so I become less interested in history. I guess this is what we call vicious cycle, what I mean is that failing the exams makes me have less passion to history.

  • Vicious cycle   恶性循环


而历史(history) 本身也并不止包括人文历史。

History is actually the record of the past stories. 所以如果要讲到一个和历史有关的,不一定非要是人文历史,同时也可能是艺术史,生物史,甚至是汽车的历史。


下面我们来看一道PART 2的题目。

Describe a historical building/ place.




Describe a historical place you want to visit.




  • I always want to go and visit Florence where Michelangelo finished his art study, well, what I want to say is that I’m a fan of classical art works, especially statues created by Michelangelo, and also my favourite writer Dante was born and grew up in Florence, it is said that he met the love of his life on a bridge called Old Bridge in Florence. The story is so romantic that I have to go and see the place where this romantic story happened.
  • Venice is a must-go city for me as I’ve heard about a romantic story about the Sign Bridge. People believe that if you kiss your love under the bridge, you’ll be together with him/her forever. Also, the Gondola is renowned in this city which used to be a way of transportation for the noble families hundreds
  • Italy is a country where I can find a lot of cafes with long history, say, more than 300 years, and I guess I’d really enjoy the drinks in these historical cafes. And also, coz I’m a gastronome, I’d also love to try the famous gelatos of various flavours.



Describe a historical building that interests you.



举个例子,外滩27号:罗斯福公馆(The House of Roosevelt

It was designed and built by British government in 1920, and so it’s a building with long history.

In recent years, it was redecorated by Roosevelt family and now, it becomes a new fashion landmark in Shanghai.

The first reason why it interests me is that, as a historical building, I believe it must have witnessed the change of Shanghai during nearly 100 years. And so I guess that’s the reason why this building still looks very classical and western after being redecorated.

I also have interest in the restaurant on the 8th floor of this building where I can enjoy the scenery on the other side of the Bund. I’ve been there once and it’s an Italian food restaurant with elegant and excellent environment, besides, there’s an outdoor area for people to enjoy the breeze in cool summer night, and better view.

Except for the restaurant, the bar on the top of the building is the other reason why it interests me. I haven’t been there before but I’ve seen the pictures of the bar on a brochure about the House of Roosevelt, Ialways imagine that one day I can go there and order a drink, I guess it’ll be perfect together with the attractive night view of Shanghai when all the lights are on.




金迪(MOMO), 雅思口语教师,本科毕业于东华大学机械工程学院,获工科学士学位,且辅修二专,华东政法大学法学学士学位。11年赴英留学,获理学硕士学位。“KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON”是我的座右铭。时刻保持冷静,发现问题,解决问题是我在过往生活中总结出的经验,屡试不爽。对于许多人和曾经的我来说,考试只是一个踏板,它给予我们的是更多的可能性。当我们意识到这些可能性会给我们带来的好处的时候,我们才能以正面的姿态去面对生活中的挑战。“Hold On Pain Ends, and that is HOPE.”是我想要送给所有同学的一句话,也许你会发现备考的过程漫长而又艰辛,但记住这句话,总有一天会雨过天晴。


感谢上海新东方英联邦雅思口语组 金迪老师提供原创稿件!












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