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2018-07-12 14:02



  With others: I like shopping with my friends because they can help me make a decision when I can't decide which color to choose. Also, I really enjoy shopping with friends when we share our happiness and sorrows. When talking with them, I always feel relaxed. It's also a good way to strength our relationship.

       3. Is there anything you don't like about shopping?

  Yes, I don't like shopping when there are crowds of people. Usually when the sales are on, it can be a good time to shop because there're sales but it also draws a lot of people and everybody's pushing and trying to get the clothes they want that are on special. Yeah, I don't like that.

  4. What are some differences between men and women and shopping?

Men are usually. more goal-directed in shopping as men usually go directly to what they want to buy and make a decision when they compare 2-3 sellers. In contrast, women are never tired of comparing. Sometimes, women spend the whole afternoon being a window shopper buying nothing. Also, men care less about money than women. Different from men, women tend to like bargaining. 

       5. Do you like shopping for clothes or other goods on the internet?

  It depends. I always shop for books on line as it saves me lots of time and money. Sometimes I shop for overcoat on the internet because I know which size to buy. However, I never shop for underclothes or shoes on the Internet because I need to touch it to test whether it's comfortable and easy to wear.





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