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2020-02-26 11:06





  Are you happy to be the age you are now?


  Yes. Since growth is an irreversible process, I choose to enjoy the moment I am living in. Also, as a young man I am physically potent and psychologically well-prepared for any obstacle. I am content with the current circumstances.

  Do you think you have changed as you have got older?


  Yes. I have been more savvy with people around me, talented or dumb, adorable or despicable, able to find a way to get along with them as well as I can, needless to say the knowledge that I acquire during the years of study. For these, I give credit to time.

  Not too much. I do not want to change together with people around me, for which can only trap me in the public mediocrity. Whatever society we are in, I believe elites are always the minor group. Additionally, there has been long-lived argument that children are the perfect form of humanity. Therefore, I work extremely hard in order not to change.

  What will be different about your life in the future? [Why?]


  I think more knowledge, knowledge of all kinds, will be learnt in the years to come so I may become more than equal to task of daily life. However, there are also endless challenges waiting ahead. And my parents are getting older. It is time for me to shoulder the burden for myself. Life will be kind of harder in this way.

  No. The older I get, the more challenges I begin to face. And to my disappointment, I find myself no longer the invincible child who can overcome whatever comes in my way. For me, growth is a road leading to failure and dismay.

  When you were a child, did you think a lot about your future?


  Yes, definitely. I was nurtured with a faith that preparation is always a necessity for success. Therefore, I restrained myself from stuff that might get in my way, like computer games and campus romances in order to be as potent as possible to excel my peers in the future.

  No, preparation is not my cup of tea. Based on my personal experience, there will always be problems and opportunities that a person have not predicted, which leaves everyone, no matter fully prepared or not, in the same conundrum.





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